Hey folks,
So I've got a question - I know its been brought up a bunch of times but I did a bit more looking into it - I'm just wondering, is there a reason that namespace 'System.Data.Odbc' was never exposed to B4P?
OdbcConnection.ConnectionString Property (System.Data.Odbc)
It seems like this would allow us to connect to any database we wanted to (MSSQL, MySQL, Access, ect..) without needing seperate drivers or being bound to PC only?
Erel, Agraham - any ideas?
So I've got a question - I know its been brought up a bunch of times but I did a bit more looking into it - I'm just wondering, is there a reason that namespace 'System.Data.Odbc' was never exposed to B4P?
OdbcConnection.ConnectionString Property (System.Data.Odbc)
It seems like this would allow us to connect to any database we wanted to (MSSQL, MySQL, Access, ect..) without needing seperate drivers or being bound to PC only?
Erel, Agraham - any ideas?