B4J Question okhttputils and timeouts


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Dear All,

I have the following code (just showing the important parts):

Sub Sell_Order (instrument As String, vol As Double,rate As Double)As ResumableSub

    Dim params As String = $"{"Market":""$ & instrument.ToUpperCase & $"/BTC","Type":"Sell","Rate":"$ & Main.sci(rate) &   $","Amount":"$ & Main.sci(vol) & $"}"$
    Log (params)
    'SendtoCryptopia("sell-" & instrument,"SubmitTrade",params)
    wait for (SendtoCryptopia("sell-" & instrument,"SubmitTrade",params))  complete

End Sub

Sub SendtoCryptopia (jobname As String,method As String, params As String)As ResumableSub
Sleep (100)
Dim j As HttpJob

j.PostString(uri, jsonstr)
j.GetRequest.Timeout = 120000
Wait For (j) jobdone (j As HttpJob)
If j.Success = True Then
If j.JobName.StartsWith ("sell-") Then
            Log (j.GetString)
                CoinFinder.writeerrlog(j.GetString & " " & j.JobName)
        Log ("err " & j.ErrorMessage)
CoinFinder.writeerrlog ("errormessage;" & j.ErrorMessage)
        CoinFinder.writeerrlog ("errormessage2;" & jobname & ";"& originalmethod & ";" & originalparams)
End If
End Sub

writeerrlog logs to a file for me to find out later what´s going on, and it´s not always errors that are being logged. Above, it logs whenever there´s a jobdone success = false or true, to find out why I sometimes place a sell_order without the exchange doing anything with it.
What happens is that once every minute, about 50 buy and sell orders are updated by first cancelling and then placing a new order (with the sleep 100 to not make the exchange feel like it´s under DDOS attack) and the log shows that the events are being confirmed by the exchange - usually within the second.
But as mentioned, sometimes - it be can after an hour of the app running, sometimes longer - it doesn´t confirm it (for an order or two out of 50), although the log shows the request being sent, and in these cases the exchange also doesn´t do anything with it - the request is lost.
I assume that it´s subject to a timeout, but when jobdone.success = false, I don´t see anything in the errlog file indicating such. Is it possible that the exchange in rare cases would just returns nothing and and a timeout is not fired? I´m really puzzled by how to capture these events, cause when it happens, there´s no way I can make my code react to it, and the sell order will just disappear untill next time I restart the app.

I hope someone can figure out what´s going on.

Thanks in advance!


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First of all you need to release every job so move the line out of the If clause. The server responds in j.getstring, too. A real error only happens when the job really fails. Other messages are seen in j.getstring so check the content and log it (e.g. your db throws a message -> valid job response)
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Thanks, I´ll be logging all getstrings to see what happens!
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