Share My Creation Olympic 2012 Calendar

A free (ad supported) App which details all of the Events in next year's 2012 games. All sports are included and Dates and Times. Further Detail will be added, such as location and current Gold Medal holder and so on..

Version 0.6.5 is available from the Android Market. It will also soon be made available on and Amazon.


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Great idea and your downloads are going well :)
Some ideas to add: calendar for events by day, search functionality.
I would prefer to see the event screen on opening; the list of all events is so long.
Success and I wish you loads of admob clicks.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks both! There are lots of ideas in the pipeline, it's just finding the time to implement them!

The App will open on the last tab you had selected. :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Great app! :)

One thing which may help you for devices with this resolution (540x960), on an HTC EVO 3D the app display is contained in the top left most corner, with the right side and bottom having a black border. The ads still show up but within the black border at the bottom.


Licensed User
Longtime User
clx, thanks very much for this! :) I will have to add that resolution.. I don't suppose you could post a screenshot could you or PM it to me?

Data has been overhauled and some new processing is coming along.. Then I think the Paid For versions will be created with some additional processing and new functionality! :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Data updated loads. Trying to increase the functionality and usability as much as possible before a Paid For version gets created.

Will address the layout issue on the EVO as well...

A couple of small data niggles to iron out this week and then the Paid For version can start in earnest. Hoping to get a version on the Market at the end of next week. I've included the Licensing code and removed advertisements, now just need to build all the extra functionality into it, that isn't present in the Free version.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Great app! :)

One thing which may help you for devices with this resolution (540x960), on an HTC EVO 3D the app display is contained in the top left most corner, with the right side and bottom having a black border. The ads still show up but within the black border at the bottom.

Well that's odd.. The screen res. is now covered, but I haven't put it explicitly into the Designer.. I'm guessing that the Kindle Fire resolution I've set up is being used by AVD. Please check and see if it's useable, although it still looks a little odd, but almost there. I did try putting a 540x960 design in, this wasn't being picked up, so made no difference whatsoever.