one plus one equals ten


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Before @Beja gets into the act here and solves the puzzle.
- - - - This not about that, its about this.....
I once had to co-teach a lecture to 3rd year Human Kinetics students dealing with a topic they really mostly had not encountered before.
- - - - The ins-and-outs of the computer hardware they used in capturing real-time data from human subjects. (running on a treadmill, walking on a walkway etc). Fun stuff. . .
It became really interesting what happened, when we came to that section of the lecture, when we posed the question :
Well, Why does one plus one equal ten? and that it was something they learned in lower primary school.
- - - - - OF COURSE we at the front of the class thought this was funny (why wouldn't we - one south african and one mainland chinese who actually came from Wuhan believe it or not).

The sheep were confused, so maybe we should have invited this guy to assist with the explanation (well. . .how to explain something without explaining it) :

Ah well that was the Alice's Restaurant version

...and the lyrics are here... most relevant at this time of night after I had bumped into the video while learning whether the SPACEX Raptor engine might be the king of rocket engines.

nighty night folks
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