Android Question parse library


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Is there a way to handle push notification sent with parse without user interaction ?
Can broadcast receiver get the notification intent event so I could perform an action , bring an activity to front , start notification activity.

I found some documentation on parse ...but since I am only a b4a programer I can not find many answeres there as I not so familiar with java !



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If you have 100.000 users waiting for news ...they must listen by shedule tasks by consuming querys wich cost data and money....It will be great
that you can awake listeners by push notification , I think it is not posible yet with parse ?
Hope I make myself more clear .
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Responding With an Intent
You can also specify an Intent to be fired in the background when the push notification is received. This will allow your app to perform custom handling for the notification, and can be used whether or not you have chosen to display a system tray message. To implement custom notification handling, set the Action entry in your push notification data dictionary to the Intent action which you want to fire. Android guidelines suggest that you prefix the action with your package name to avoid namespace collisions with other running apps.

Does the parse b4a library permit such action?

If someone is familiar with parse library ...Tank you
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You can send data to users from console using json format , the users do not see the json data but how you pase the json data
received after the user presses the notification ! is that possible?
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Yes, I also will do it with my Apps (1+1)
but, need to intercept the Push Notification whithout the user interaction
That library looks ok, but it's only for newer devices (Android 4.3+)
Anyway, I will try with it
Thanks David
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There is a new library for notification handling
I haven't used it yet.
Using the Parse library I succeeded in sending notifications to the devices with my applications installed (even when not running). When any of these applications updates the parse DB, a notification is sent to all others with some details of the update.
So it is 1 + 1

Is it possible to send push messages, when the installed application even not running at that moment? How? I tried it but my application receives messages only when it's running.
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