Android Question Passing variable/parameter to an Activity


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Hi Friends,

Is there any way to pass a variable/parameter to an Activity, while calling the StartActivity()

For Eg
StartActivity("ActivityName", MyVariableValue)

Instead of creating several activities, if a parameter can be passed and then inside the Activity, based on the value of the received in the parameter, I can change the caption/text, Button_Click actions etc..

I know that I can use Process Global variables, which can be accessed from all activities, but I hate playing with the Public/Global variables unnecessarily. If there is a chance, I would avoid using Public/Global variables because the chances of logical mistakes creeping in are high and on a later date debugging the app may become a nightmare.

Any hint that points me to the right direction will be appreciated.



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Unfortunately it is not working as desired by me. I checked the value of the Parameter and the value is received there, but I am not able to change the Text on the button based on the Parameter's value

I referred this post too.

I am sure that its something wrong the way I am doing it.

From Activity One
Sub BtnView_Click
    CallSubDelayed2(EstimateList,"StartWithParameter", "View")
End Sub

Sub BtnEdit_Click
    CallSubDelayed2(EstimateList,"StartWithParameter", "Edit")
End Sub

In the Activity named EstimateList
Sub Globals

    Private Btn As ACFlatButton
    Private cCaledFrom As String

End Sub

Sub StartWithParameter(CalledFrom As String)
    cCaledFrom = CalledFrom
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)


    'The Text on the Button is not updated as per the following lines
    If cCaledFrom = "View" Then
        Btn.Text = "View Estimate Details"
    Else If cCaledFrom = "Edit" Then
        Btn.Text = "Edit Estimate's contents"
    End If

End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub Btn_Click
    ' Here the MsgBox shows the correct Value of the variable
    Msgbox(cCaledFrom,"Parameter Value")       
End Sub

I tried changing the Btn's Text in Activity_Resume. Even then it is not changing, but if I put the display OFF on my phone using the power button and then switch the display ON then the Btn's text is updated. I can't understand what is wrong.

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Have you tried to define the variable cCaledFrom in Process_Globals and then:
Sub BtnView_Click
    EstimateList.cCaledFrom = "View"
End Sub

Sub BtnEdit_Click
    EstimateList.cCaledFrom = "Edit"
End Sub
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Have you tried to define the variable cCaledFrom in Process_Globals and then:

I am already using this Process_Global solution. My intention is to avoid or reduce dependency on Process Global variables.

I know that I can use Process Global variables, which can be accessed from all activities, but I hate playing with the Public/Global variables unnecessarily. If there is a chance, I would avoid using Public/Global variables because the chances of logical mistakes creeping in are high and on a later date debugging the app may become a nightmare.


Or you can create an Intent to start a new Activity and set 'extra' values in the Intent.
Take a look here:

Let me read this and understand the concept.
If it is too complicated then I will rely on the Process_Global variable itself.

Still can't understand why the Button text is not updated, but when I check the parameter value from the Sub Button_Click, the value in the parameter is received correctly in the activity.

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Still can't understand why the Button text is not updated, but when I check the parameter value from the Sub Button_Click, the value in the parameter is received correctly in the activity.

Read carefully:

  • If the target module is not active, then it will be started automatically. When the target module is ready, the sub will be called.
  • CallSubDelayed doesn't immediately call the target sub. It sends a message to the message queue. The internal framework manages this message and passes it to the target module when it is ready.
  • The sub will be called before Activity_Resume.

So your target sub is probably executed after Activity_Create but before Activity_Resume.
Try this:

Sub StartWithParameter(CalledFrom As String)
    cCaledFrom = CalledFrom
    If cCaledFrom = "View" Then
        Btn.Text = "View Estimate Details"
    Else If cCaledFrom = "Edit" Then
        Btn.Text = "Edit Estimate's contents"
    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
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Thanks warwound. :)

Your suggestion worked.

I moved the code to change the Button's text from Activity_Create to Sub StartWithParameter. Now, its working as expected.


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