Relating to topic
Here is my code so far
I cannot see that the events are triggered. Am I using "swipe" correctly in pg.Initialize?
Here is my code so far
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim pg As SwipeController
pg.Initialize("swipe", 30, True, True, "UNIMAG")
Label1.Text = "Initialized"
Label2.Text = ""
End Sub
Sub swipe_onDeviceConnected(Device As String)
Label1.Text = Device
Label2.Text = "OnDeviceConnected"
End Sub
Sub swipe_onSwipedCard(card As String, device As String)
Label1.Text = card
Label2.Text = "OnSwipedCard"
End Sub
I cannot see that the events are triggered. Am I using "swipe" correctly in pg.Initialize?
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