Wish PdfDocument - Allow Canvas Measuring without StartPage

Robert Valentino

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          Private   mPDF                                   As PdfDocument

          mPDF.StartPage(mPageSize.Width, mPageSize.Height)

           TextHeight           = mPDF.Canvas.MeasureStringHeight(mMeasureHeightString, mFont_Roboto_Regular, (10 / mScale))                   
           SubHeadingHeight    = mPDF.Canvas.MeasureStringHeight(mMeasureHeightString, mFont_Roboto_Regular, (14 / mScale))

PdfDocument requires that you do a StartPage before you can MeasureStringHeight or MeasureStringWidth

Normally I measure my Header items to determine where I want to place them on the page (ONLY Done once) before actually doing the pages

Having to do a StartPage before measuring items I find throws off the whole Next Page logic.

I am converting from PDFWriter which asks for the page size when you do the Initialize

ALSO: Would be nice if we had a mPDF.IsInitialized function and maybe mPDF.IsPageStarted

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