Hi All,
As I have already mention, im not good in java , so can anyone help me converting the PhonePe API Integration for accepting payment from my app.
As I have already mention, im not good in java , so can anyone help me converting the PhonePe API Integration for accepting payment from my app.
PhonePe Convertions:
String apiEndPoint = "/v3/debit";
PhonePe Convertions:
HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("merchantId", “M2306160483220675579140”); //String. Mandatory
data.put("transactionId", “TX123456789”); //String. Mandatory.
data.put("amount", 100); //Long. Mandatory
//Note: Don't pass this if you are passing userAuthToken.
data.put("merchantUserId", “U123456789”); //String. Mandatory. Needed for linking
//Note : Used only for OTP linking flow.
data.put("userAuthToken", <userAuthToken>); //String. Optional. Needed for linking
data.put("merchantOrderId", “OD1234”); //String. Mandatory
data.put("message", “Payment for order placed 001234”); //String. Optional
data.put("mobileNumber", “9xxxxxxxxx”); //String. Optional
data.put("email", “amit***[email protected]”); //String. Optional
data.put("shortName", “Amit”); //String. Optional
data.put("subMerchant", “DemoMerchant”); //String. ONLY if a submerchant id has been allocated to you.
// transactionId length should be less than 38 characters.
// merchantOrderId length should be less than 48 characters.
// Put more info as intimated. Nesting is allowed
String base64Body = Base64(new GSON().toJson(data));
PhonePe Convertions:
String checksum = sha256(base64Body + apiEndPoint + salt) + ### + saltIndex;
PhonePe Convertions:
TransactionRequest debitRequest = new TransactionRequestBuilder()
try {
startActivityForResult(PhonePe.getTransactionIntent(/* Context */ this, debitRequest),DEBIT_REQUEST_CODE);
} catch(PhonePeInitException e){
PhonePe Convertions:
private static int DEBIT_REQUEST_CODE = 777;
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == DEBIT_REQUEST_CODE) {
/*This callback indicates only about completion of UI flow.
Inform your server to make the transaction
status call to get the status. Update your app with the
success/failure status.*/