PHP Dropbox auth


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Hey guys, Not B4A related at all, hence in the chit chat section.

Anybody know how to use the Dropbox php SDK to authorize and use dropbox data stores?

A link to a nice little tutorial would be nice ;)


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You know how to create a app in dropboxs app-console?
Create your app, copy app key and secret

Link to a small Tutorial ->|
- Download
- change sample.php
$dropbox = new DropboxClient(array(
    'app_key' => "yourkey",
    'app_secret' => "yourecret",
    'app_full_access' => false,
- upload everything to webspace.
- create a folder tokens where the php-scripts are) and make it writeable
- make the folder where the php-scripts are writeable
- execute sample.php (

*big grins*

Questions? :D

PS: In fact i needed 15-30 minutes for all (including writing this post) to find the client and run the testexample with my credentials...

I can not believe that you did not found an working example!?
Maybe i was just in luck with my search and the first i found was working :D


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Hi @DonManfred

I found a few (although I expected more) tutorials, the issue I had is that they all use 3rd party libs. And most of these libs only support File functions. I'm needing to use the Dropbox SDK and access DataStores o_O.

Most of the tutorials I have seen say that the bad thing about Dropbox SDK's is that there isn't a PHP one, yet I look and there it is. So I am guessing it is quite new.


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DropPHP doesn't seem to do DataStore access.

It isn´t part of the Class and the sample, yes. But from principle it should CAN do this tasks...

I´ve done a test

i´ve inserted
    function GetDatastores($path)
        return $this->apiCall("datastores/list_datastores", "GET", array());
into Dropboxclient.php

and i´ve edited my sample.php
echo "<b>Datastores:</b>\r\n";

after starting with some errors (wrong syntax i used) and i needed to create a new app (my old app did not have access to datastores)
after creating the new app (WITH permissions for datastore) i got this working

stdClass Object
[datastores] => Array()

So i got no error(!) but also an empty list... I think it´s becaue i did not creaed a datastore before ;-)

Actually i´m in good thoughts that datastore should be possible with this clientphp.... I´ll try to do more additions to the class and sample (creating a DS for ex)...

I got my inspiration on page
especially i tried to build one of the datastore-commands into the Clientphp


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Added quick & dirty

    function GetOrCreateDatastore($privateID){
        return $this->apiCall("datastores/get_or_create_datastore", "POST", array("dsid"=>$privateID));
to DropboxClient

and added
echo "<b>Datastore 'mannes' (get or create):</b>\r\n";
to sample.php

See the new results :D

PS: I´ll do more later but actually i need to go out for a few hours (Visit a friend)


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#echo "<b>Put Datastore 'mannes' DELTAs:</b>\r\n";
#$delta = $dropbox->PutDatastoreDelta($ds->handle, $ds->rev, "", "[[\"I\", \"members\", \"2\", {\"username\": \"ManfredTest\", \"eMail\": \"[email protected]\"}]]");

this adds one row with
tableid = "members"
record-id = 2 (can be a unique string too)
username= "ManfredTest"
eMail = "[email protected]

echo "<b>Get Datastore 'mannes' Snapshot:</b>\r\n";
$delta = $dropbox->GetSnapshot($ds->handle);
gets the hole contents of this datastore

stdClass Object
[rows] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[tid] => tasks
[data] => stdClass Object
[taskname] => do laundry
[completed] =>

[rowid] => myrecord

[1] => stdClass Object
[tid] => members
[data] => stdClass Object
[username] => DonManfred
[eMail] => [email protected]

[rowid] => 1

[2] => stdClass Object
[tid] => members
[data] => stdClass Object
[username] => ManfredTest
[eMail] => [email protected]

[rowid] => 2


[rev] => 3

So. From principle it works to create DS, get DS, Inser Data into DS and get the complete data from DS :)
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I´ll package the files i´ve edited the next days. Today i dont have the time i suppose... Monday i have much less time too (it´s my cinema-day ;-)).

What i have understand so far is (i´m not sure; i think it is like this!):
The "I" in Adding Delta seems to be a command: I for Insert?
The second parameter is the tablename
the third parameter is the ID of this Row.
Then you can use an - i think - unlimited numbers of columns which will be written to the selected table.

What i did NOT understand actually; how to Update a row. And how to delete a row.
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The "I" in Adding Delta seems to be a command: I for Insert?

Yes, it is! See this:
<change> ::= ["I", <tid>, <recordid>, <datadict>] # INSERT
| ["U", <tid>, <recordid>, <opdict>] # UPDATE
| ["D", <tid>, <recordid>] # DELETE

Documentation found here. You need to scroll a bit down on this link.

I´ll try to do some tests on it the next days. I´ll keep you informed.