the idea is nice exept that the Windows license price spoils it unless you can rely on volume licensing.
if it is for regular 'home' use (checking websites, webbanking, youtube, gmail, cloud work) you could install ChromeOS on it and it will perform a lot better since it's really light
and easier to use than for example raspbian as it acts more like a tablet than a desktop os.
you could put it on a pi zero w or pi zero with 3 port usb+ethernet hat and you have your 10-20 euros home 'desktop'
with the size of a lighter and hang it behind your montitor.
another benefit is the power usage. that's 0.5-1.5W compared to upto 100+W for a regular desktop.
the only reason I still have a desktop at home is because of the dev environments that are on it needed to support programs I wrote in VB/VB.NET
and a Pi is too underpowered (ram/cpu) to virtualize that.