Plain HTML Website still exist?


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Today a friend of mine asked me is website is real? i stunned for a while. When I visited the website, i was...

It is a new website registered and live in 2016!

A web designer still use 100% HTML to design a website?

then I am wondering what happen to web designer today?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Nice to read
Why we gave up web design after 10 successful years

Many web design service company suffer when dealing with 'high maintenance - low income' clients. Very sad.
I designed a few websites using plain html last time. Now, the first thing that come to my mind to develop a website is using Wordpress.


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Longtime User
the front-end, what people see, still remains plain html. so you can create something ugly in wordpress aswell.


Licensed User
Longtime User
the front-end, what people see, still remains plain html. so you can create something ugly in wordpress aswell.
Nowadays I just look for free wordpress template. The disadvantages are the idea is not original and it takes time to find the best design from the repository.


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Longtime User
I read the article you posted and the comments and indeed the combination of free CMS systems and free or cheap designs is killing the business.

I still write everything myself because the demand at work is too complex and so are the queries that is a mixture of databases of different applications.

The same for private customers, all selfwritten to the demands so not 1 button or field too much in the back end and easy to use.

At design I suck but you can outsource that part to services like ,
not cheap when it's already a big cut of your budget but still better than my own "artwork" or a design that already 3926 sites use.