It is a long-waited one, also for B4A
I played around with OpenCV and B4A a while ago. If you need this type of image processing, OpenCV is extremely powerful. With Android and B4A I quickly ran out of memory when processing images.
I have been playing with B4A + JavaCV, and at the end I could achieve some nice real-time processing from the camera. However, I found two big misses
- There are some functions which are not optimized at all for Android (they are generally fast, but for instance some can take 10msec when a more complex one takes only 1msec), and replacing them by a pure 'C', without further optimizations, went much faster.
- JavaCV syntax is based, at least in part, in the old -OpenCV C header style, which has been abandoned long ago. So it is a mess when looking at the documentation (specially if you are a beginner in OpenCV)
Now I got to build OpenCV library for Android, based on OpenCV Android SDK. No memory leaks, no strange things (up to now), and can call all its functions from inline Java (it uses the new syntax, but one gets easilly used to it). My project runs quite faster, but there are still some functions which I think are not totally optimized for Android. However, each new version has more and more improvements regarding efficiency.
Back to the thing, I also think it is impossible to make a whole wrapper for B4A/B4J, since there are so many functions and types that would make it giant.
But perhaps it wouldn't be such a nonsense to have wrapper B4X classes with Inline Java in them to make the "dirty" work (wrap the OpenCv SDK for Android classes in case of B4A). So it could become some sort of collaborative project in which people could contribute without need to recompile libraries. ...just a thought

. Still don't know if possible, but I will try to build a short example of what I mean.