After a few trial and error, I succeeded in adding Firebase Admob to my app.
I want others to be able to refer Write the order of work.
1.Set the package of Build Configurations of B4A IDE.
(Required when registering an app on the Firebase console.)
2.Add the app from the Firebase console.
3.Download the json file from the Firebase console and copy it to the b4a project folder.
4.In the Manifest Editor From the bottom line Add the following syntax
AddManifestText(<activity android:name=""
AddPermission (android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE)
AddPermission (android.permission.INTERNET)
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAdMob.FirebaseAds)
AddApplicationText(<meta-data android:name=""
@Integer/google_play_services_version" />)
5.Add FirebaseAdMob from the library manager of B4A IDE. (I used version 1.55)
6.Set the private Sign key in the IDE menu.
Insert Erel's code in the link.
8.Run(F5) - Release Mode
Thanks for the advice.