Can you translate Feedback ?
I do not understand why I am receiving blank mail from my users , nothing, nada, ninguna,rien, niente, nichts !!
I have tried various variations like : ... please submit your wish here , please write a few words, imput text here , please enter your requests... but nothing help me
What feedback realy means .?.. are we live in a world where everything is automated ....
does the Android become so smart that he is reading minds but the stupid google mail is filtering everything !
A help will be much apreciated !!
I do not understand why I am receiving blank mail from my users , nothing, nada, ninguna,rien, niente, nichts !!
I have tried various variations like : ... please submit your wish here , please write a few words, imput text here , please enter your requests... but nothing help me
What feedback realy means .?.. are we live in a world where everything is automated ....
does the Android become so smart that he is reading minds but the stupid google mail is filtering everything !
A help will be much apreciated !!