Pocket Quotes


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Pocket Quotes - Release 1.0

Current version: 1.0

Description: Pocket Quotes allows you to track as many stocks as you want, and to display daily/weekly/yearly charts of a stock.

Source code and CAB installer at: pocket_quotes [CampusBBS Wiki]

Last update: 6/4/09


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Version .11

I've uploaded a new version and am hoping Filippo or someone can help.

I decided to implement Filippo's Listview library to replace the listbox that I was using, and to implement his fgControls library to enhance some of the controls (such as labels)

The program runs ok on the pc and in the MS 240x320 and 320x320 emulators, but doesn't run in any of the VGA emulators.

Any ideas?


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Deleted member 103

Hallo digitaldon37,

I like to help you!
I will watch it tonight and then I tell you about it.


Deleted member 103

Hi digitaldon37,

The program runs ok on the pc and in the MS 240x320 and 320x320 emulators, but doesn't run in any of the VGA emulators.

VGA is OK! :)



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New Member
Nice app! Works well on my Samsung Epix - just one issue...I can't seem to get it to download stock market indices. For example, the Dow Jones Industrial average (symbol "^DJI"). It looks like the "^DJI" is being converted to "%5EDJI" and then not returning any prices.

Also, I offered a list of suggestions at the xda-developers forum (where I found the .CAB file) for possible enhancements if you are still developing this app.

Thanks much for developing and sharing this!


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Version D-14

(cross posted at xda: [App] Pocket Quotes (version D-13) - xda-developers)

I have placed version D-14 (developer's release) on the main post. Unzip and copy to your PDA.

I have not implemented any of the excellent suggestions yet - I'm working on stabilizing the core functionality before I start adding to it.

Changes included in this release:

1. Added a splash screen on start-up (it's downloading stock updates in the background)
2. Fixed sort when adding stock symbol
3. Fixed VGA display (still only Portrait though)
4. URL encoded "^" for DJI - but it still doesn't work. I need to work with the Yahoo RSS feed to see why not
5. Fixed delete symbol bug (it didn't update all of the arrays, causing the wrong details to be displayed on a symbol)

For anyone with B4PPC, I added the source code to the zip file. Requires the ListView and fgControls library (included)

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
UPDATE: Version D-14 uploaded to first post. I had left off a zero in the timer control, causing the program to refresh 6 seconds x setting - needed to be every 60 seconds per each minute in the setting.

UPDATE: Version D-15 uploaded

Release D-13 has been uploaded to the main post


1. Add downloading of stock chart when selecting stock symbol
2. Organized program images into gfx directory
3. Minor bug fixes & tweaks
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Version .19

Cross posted at XDA

Developer's Release .19

1. Added "splash" screen when updating stocks
2. Added configuration to change list row colors
3. Moved stock info to graph screen - main shows only list of stocks
4. Fixed sort when adding new stock
5. Fixed SIP when adding stock

Still working on some of the other suggestions.

I will cab this on the next release. I'm going to add in a update from web feature (I just implemented the same on pocket quotes) so that users can be sure that they always have the latest version.


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Release 1.0

I've updated "Pocket Quotes" and released the first public release 1.0 with source code on my wiki: pocket_quotes [CampusBBS Wiki]

See main post for screen shots.

Some of the features added:

1. Additional charts added (now includes daily, weekly, yearly)
2. Update from the web