Share My Creation POINT OF SALE, POS

Hello everyone,
This is my application for point of sale, it works on a local database and have synchronization with the server on mysql database. Otherwise, I have a point of sale, which works as windows(make it with Visual) and web applications(php). It is now almost completed and Android point of sale with basic4android.
Here is short video:


  • POSBASIC.jpg
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I like this, especially the printing feature :)
Thanks :)
In my country every bill that is paid in cash shall be verified on the servers of the tax administration, where he gets the unique characters that must be printed on the invoice


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Sasa

I like your app. :)
If you can tell us which are the library you have used for printing the Bill and How.

Thanks in Advance


Licensed User
Longtime User
If you sell this solution would it be a lot cheaper than a real pos solution with touch screen monitor with table view and other usefull thing and handheld devices for the waiters?

you can get the pc ("server") and monitor cheap, pos printers are in cheap forms available too (epson tm20 usb to name one).
you just need phones with a bigger screen to make it handy in use. ($200?)


Licensed User
Longtime User
How did you make this?

Function for set character
Sub Rset(Text As String, MaxWidth As Int) As String
Dim Res As String

If Text.Length >= MaxWidth Then

Res = Text.SubString2(0, MaxWidth-1)
Res = mStrFunc.AddSpaces(MaxWidth - Text.Length) & Text
End If

Return Res
End Sub

Then you must set text length before printing

Suma = Rset(Suma,20)

Then printing

PrintBuffer = PrintBuffer & "PROMET: " & Suma & Chr(10)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Everyone who wants buy source code for point of sale - contact me inbox.