I'm having some problems with this. I have a panel inside a TabHost Tab and I want to put a button at the bottom of it about 5dip from the bottom. The button is 50dip high so I'd normally just add it with a Top of panel.height - 55dip. Panels in a TabHost have height and width set to -1 though. I can't use any of the x% or y% as they are for the screen/activity. Using the TabHost's width and height are too big. So, how does everyone else go about positioning stuff in there? Other than having it all in the top left corner or some type of scroll view I'm not seeing much of a way to do any positioning.
Are there any hard coded padding values and/or tab heights in dip values I can use to calculate the sizes?
Are there any hard coded padding values and/or tab heights in dip values I can use to calculate the sizes?