Possible virus

Gale Johnson

Licensed User
Longtime User
My Norton firewall is killing every BB4P 'exe' program I try to run. Is it possible that my BB4P progam has gotten a virus and what can I do to solve it?


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Could you clarify (for the benefit of real experts, not me) what programs are giving the problem...

Are they setup/install programs that you run on your PC? And if so, downloaded from somewhere or built by you? What OS are you running?

Similarly, if not, are they Basic4PPC programs meant for the desktop, and acquired from where?

Presumably you are not referring to programs actually being run on a PPC device, or do you have Norton running there?



Licensed User
Longtime User
I had a similar problem with Nortons Internet Security. Before running for the first time any B4PPC exe I right click on the exe and select Nortons File Insight. This will open up a dialog. Beside the "Unproven" icon click on "Trust Now". Nortons will no longer delete the exe as long as you do not move it to some other directory or rename it.

Gale Johnson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Re: virus

Thank you. I will try that. FYI: I am running Windows Vista on a laptop. I have written many large BB4P programs for desktop and they have run well in the past. Norton has been on my computer for over a year. Suddenly Norton is killing any 'exe" program I run. That is the puzzle.


Active Member
Licensed User
I don't use Norton, but Microsoft Security Essentials reacts to my Basic4ppc applications that access the Internet.
It says "this program is trying to access the Internet in a suspicious way". It might have something to do with that.