Android Question Problem in AHNavigationDrawer


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Licensed User
I use this library in my project
I use example exist in

I have problem
When i use it in project (add panel to my Layout and use it in NavigationDrawer)
All view except Panel of NavigationDrawer is disable and i cannot click on it.
My code is :
Private lsheader As ListView
Private NavDrawer As AHNavigationDrawer
NavDrawer.Initialize2("Drawer", pContent, 85%x,NavDrawer.GRAVITY_LEFT)
NavDrawer.SetEdgeSize(NavDrawer.GRAVITY_START, NavDrawer.GetEdgeSize(NavDrawer.GRAVITY_START) * 3)
Dim xml As XmlLayoutBuilder
NavDrawer.ShadowDrawable = xml.GetDrawable("drawer_shadow")
NavDrawer.StatusBarColor = Colors.Red

'We add the mListView to our NavigationPanel
NavDrawer.NavigationPanel.AddView(imgLogo, 0, 0, 85%x,230dip)
NavDrawer.NavigationPanel.AddView(lsheader, 0, imgLogo.Height,85%x, pContent.Height-imgLogo.Height)
NavDrawer.NavigationPanel.Color = Colors.Blue


Licensed User
Longtime User
my project is big and it is hard to change it
Your project will raise in the future. Switching later will make it MORE complicated than now.

At the end (over a long time term) you need to switch to material design because the old layout may die /removed from android.
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Active Member
Licensed User
Your project will raise in the future. Switching later will make it MORE complicated than now.

At the end (over a long time term) you need to switch to material design because the old layout may die /removed from android.
Yes it is good justifiable.
Ok what is material drawer library name?
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