Android Question Problem managing weather from web service in b4a

Rene Barrera

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there,

I need your support in order to solve a problem that has me stuck, the point is that I need to consume the temperature from web service, I found an example from a tutorial but I think it is not complete. The following is part of the code, when try to run it i get the error:

"resultSoapXML = Response.GetString("UTF8")

I hope this is clear enough, or if something else is needed, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

'Service module
Sub Process_Globals
Dim hc As HttpClient 'download the page
Dim hcimage As HttpClient 'download the image
Dim req As HttpRequest
Dim reqimage As HttpRequest
End Sub
Sub Globals
Dim temp As String
Dim btnweather As Button
Dim edtweather As EditText
Dim lbltemperature As Label
Dim img As Bitmap
'Set a default start city when there is nothing in the DB
Dim selectedcity As String :selectedcity ="Christchurch"
Dim townpath As String
Dim label1 As Label ‘holds the temp
Dim imgtemp As ImageView
Dim pic As String 'holds the image
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub btnweather_click
strplace = "christchurch" 'note its lower case
townpath = ""& strplace
hc.Execute(req, 1)
End Sub
Sub hc_ResponseSuccess(Response AsHttpResponse, TaskId AsInt)
Dim temp As String
temp = Response.GetString("UTF8") 'Get the whole page
When the bolded line is achieved, i get the mentioned message.


Licensed User
Longtime User
1. Use Code-Tags when posting code! [CODE ]mycode[/CODE ] (without the spaces)
2. If i call this url i did NOT get any XML as result. It´s just html but not xml
3. why are you using httpclient? httputils2 should be better (see example)

    Dim strplace As String = "christchurch"
    Dim php As HttpJob
    php.Download(""& strplace)

and then
Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
    If Job.Success Then
        Dim res As String
        res = Job.GetString
        Log("JobName: "&Job.JobName)
        If Job.JobName = "gettown" Then
            Log("result is: "&res)           
        End If
        ToastMessageShow("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage, True)
    End If
End Sub


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Rene Barrera

Licensed User
Longtime User
First of all thanks for your support.
I used httpclient cause the example i saw did this way.
I´ll use the way you say and I will let you all know what the result is as soon as i get it.
Yesterday i downloaded an application named SOAPUI that generates de XML needed to request the web service, and it worked well, I will show how i got the result succesful
Again, thank you very much
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Rene Barrera

Licensed User
Longtime User
I share the successful result, this is the code I used in the application in order to get results from the web service of weather

Sub Process_Globals
    Dim HttpClient1 As HttpClient
End Sub

Sub Globals
    Dim URL As String
  Dim XML As String
    Dim Ciudad As String : Ciudad = "acapulco"
    Dim Pais As String   : Pais = "mexico"
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)


   If FirstTime Then
     HttpClient1.Initialize ("HttpClient1")
   End If 
End Sub

Sub ConsumirServicio()
    Dim Request As HttpRequest
    URL = ""
    XML = XML & "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xmlns:web='http://www.webserviceX.NET'>"
    XML = XML & "<soap:Header/>"
    XML = XML & "<soap:Body>"
    XML = XML & "<web:GetWeather>"
    XML = XML & "<web:CityName>" & Ciudad & "</web:CityName>"
    XML = XML & "<web:CountryName>" & Pais & "</web:CountryName>"
    XML = XML & "</web:GetWeather>"
    XML = XML & "</soap:Body>"
    XML = XML & "</soap:Envelope>"
  Request.InitializePost2(URL, XML.GetBytes("UTF8"))
  Request.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8")                                                                   
  Request.Timeout = 60000
  If HttpClient1.Execute(Request, 1) = False Then Return
    ProgressDialogShow("Esperando Respuesta...")
End Sub

Sub HttpClient1_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
  Dim resultSoapXML As String 
  resultSoapXML = Response.GetString("UTF8") 

End Sub

Sub GetInfo(ResultSoapXML As String)

    Dim intFin As Int
    Dim strLocation As String                     'Trae la Localidad
    Dim strTime As String                           'Trae la Hora
    Dim strWind As String                           'Trae el Viento
    Dim strVisibility As String               'Trae la Visibilidad
    Dim strSkyConditions As String           'Trae las condiciones del Cielo (Condición Amosférica) 
    Dim strTemperature As String               'Trae la temperatura
    Dim strDewPoint As String                   'Trae el Punto de rocío (Humedad)
    Dim strRelativeHumidity As String   'Trae la Humedad Relativa
    Dim strPressure As String                    'Trae la Presión Atmosférica
''''INI - substrings para ir obteniendo la Información del Web Service del Clima'''''

    strLocation = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Location&gt;")+ 16)
    intFin = strLocation.IndexOf("&lt;/Location&gt;")
    strLocation = strLocation.subString2(0, intFin)

    strTime = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Time&gt;")+ 12)
    intFin = strTime.IndexOf("&lt;/Time&gt;")
    strTime = strTime.subString2(0, intFin)
    'Wind (Viento)
    strWind = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Wind&gt;")+ 12)
    intFin = strWind.IndexOf("&lt;/Wind&gt;")
    strWind = strWind.subString2(0, intFin)
    'Visibility (Viibilidad)
    strVisibility = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Visibility&gt;")+ 18)
    intFin = strVisibility.IndexOf("&lt;/Visibility&gt;")
    strVisibility = strVisibility.subString2(0, intFin)
    'SkyConditions (Condición Atmosférica)
    strSkyConditions = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;SkyConditions&gt;")+ 21)
    intFin = strSkyConditions.IndexOf("&lt;/SkyConditions&gt;")
    strSkyConditions = strSkyConditions.subString2(0, intFin)
    'Temperature (Temperatura)
    strTemperature = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Temperature&gt;")+ 19)
    intFin = strTemperature.IndexOf("&lt;/Temperature&gt;")
    strTemperature = strTemperature.subString2(0, intFin)
    'DewPoint (Humedad)
    strDewPoint = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;DewPoint&gt;")+ 16)
    intFin = strDewPoint.IndexOf("&lt;/DewPoint&gt;")
    strDewPoint = strDewPoint.subString2(0, intFin)

    'Relative Humidity (Humedad relativa)
    strRelativeHumidity = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;RelativeHumidity&gt;")+ 24)
    intFin = strRelativeHumidity.IndexOf("&lt;/RelativeHumidity&gt;")
    strRelativeHumidity = strRelativeHumidity.subString2(0, intFin)
    'Pressure (presión Atmosférica)
    strPressure = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Pressure&gt;")+ 16)
    intFin = strPressure.IndexOf("&lt;/Pressure&gt;")
    strPressure = strPressure.subString2(0, intFin)

''''FIN - substrings para ir obteniendo la Información del Web Service del Clima'''''

End Sub

Sub HttpClient1_ResponseError (Response As HttpResponse, Reason As String, StatusCode As Int, TaskId As Int)   
  Dim resultSoapXML As String
  resultSoapXML = Response.GetString("UTF8")

End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub
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Rene Barrera

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, the above code was implemented in a standar b4a app and i got the results successfuly, now I wanto to create a widget with this same code but widget does not run as i espected, i got a message saying that the widget was stoped.
Could anybody give me a hand with this?
Thanks in advance
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Rene Barrera

Licensed User
Longtime User
The following is the code i am using for my widget in the service module, but it does not work, as i said before the message is: widget has stoped.
Hope someone can help with this. I want to find out what i am missing or where i am screwing it

'Service module
Sub Process_Globals
    Dim rv As RemoteViews
    Dim HttpCli1 As HttpClient
    Dim URL As String
  Dim XML As String
    Dim Ciudad As String : Ciudad = "acapulco"
    Dim Pais As String   : Pais = "mexico"
End Sub
Sub Service_Create

    'Set the widget to update every 60 minutes.
    rv = ConfigureHomeWidget("lyoWeather", "rv", 60, "TIM-W-Clima")
    HttpCli1.Initialize ("HttpCli1")
'    ConsumirWebService
End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)

    Dim intCntr As Int
    If rv.HandleWidgetEvents(StartingIntent) Then Return

End Sub

Sub rv_RequestUpdate
'    SetTime
'    SetTime
'    rv.UpdateWidget
End Sub

Sub ConsumirWebService()

    Dim Request As HttpRequest
    URL = ""
    XML = XML & "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xmlns:web='http://www.webserviceX.NET'>"
    XML = XML & "<soap:Header/>"
    XML = XML & "<soap:Body>"
    XML = XML & "<web:GetWeather>"
    XML = XML & "<web:CityName>" & Ciudad & "</web:CityName>"
    XML = XML & "<web:CountryName>" & Pais & "</web:CountryName>"
    XML = XML & "</web:GetWeather>"
    XML = XML & "</soap:Body>"
    XML = XML & "</soap:Envelope>"
  Request.InitializePost2(URL, XML.GetBytes("UTF8"))
  Request.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8")                                                                   
  Request.Timeout = 6000000
  If HttpCli1.Execute(Request, 1) = False Then Return
    ProgressDialogShow("Esperando Respuesta...")
     rv.SetText("Label2", "SI LLEGA con initialize")
End Sub

Sub HttpCli1_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
  Dim resultSoapXML As String 
  resultSoapXML = Response.GetString("UTF8") 
'    GetInfo(resultSoapXML)

End Sub

Sub HttpCli1_ResponseError (Response As HttpResponse, Reason As String, StatusCode As Int, TaskId As Int)   
  Dim resultSoapXML As String
  resultSoapXML = Response.GetString("UTF8")

End Sub

Sub GetInfo(ResultSoapXML As String)

    Dim intFin As Int                                        'Indice del fin de búsqueda del string correspondiente
    Dim strResult As String                       'Trae inf del Resultado para validar si se tiene información
    Dim strLocation As String                     'Trae la Localidad
    Dim strTime As String                           'Trae la Hora
    Dim strWind As String                           'Trae el Viento
    Dim strVisibility As String               'Trae la Visibilidad
    Dim strSkyConditions As String           'Trae las condiciones del Cielo (Condición Amosférica) 
    Dim strTemperature As String               'Trae la temperatura
    Dim strDewPoint As String                   'Trae el Punto de rocío (Humedad)
    Dim strRelativeHumidity As String   'Trae la Humedad Relativa
    Dim strPressure As String                    'Trae la Presión Atmosférica
''''INI - substrings para ir obteniendo la Información del Web Service del Clima'''''

    'Valida si se tiene información para la localidad seleccionada
    strResult = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("<GetWeatherResult>")+ 18)
    intFin = strResult.IndexOf("</GetWeatherResult>")
    strResult = strResult.subString2(0, intFin)
    If strResult = "Data Not Found" Then
        ToastMessageShow ("No se tiene Información de Temperatura para " & Ciudad & "!", True)
    End If

    strLocation = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Location&gt;")+ 16)
    intFin = strLocation.IndexOf("&lt;/Location&gt;")
    strLocation = strLocation.subString2(0, intFin)

    strTime = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Time&gt;")+ 12)
    intFin = strTime.IndexOf("&lt;/Time&gt;")
    strTime = strTime.subString2(0, intFin)
    'Wind (Viento)
    strWind = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Wind&gt;")+ 12)
    intFin = strWind.IndexOf("&lt;/Wind&gt;")
    strWind = strWind.subString2(0, intFin)
    'Visibility (Viibilidad)
    strVisibility = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Visibility&gt;")+ 18)
    intFin = strVisibility.IndexOf("&lt;/Visibility&gt;")
    strVisibility = strVisibility.subString2(0, intFin)
    'SkyConditions (Condición Atmosférica)
    strSkyConditions = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;SkyConditions&gt;")+ 21)
    intFin = strSkyConditions.IndexOf("&lt;/SkyConditions&gt;")
    strSkyConditions = strSkyConditions.subString2(0, intFin)
    'Temperature (Temperatura)
    strTemperature = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Temperature&gt;")+ 19)
    intFin = strTemperature.IndexOf("&lt;/Temperature&gt;")
    strTemperature = strTemperature.subString2(0, intFin)
    'DewPoint (Humedad)
    strDewPoint = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;DewPoint&gt;")+ 16)
    intFin = strDewPoint.IndexOf("&lt;/DewPoint&gt;")
    strDewPoint = strDewPoint.subString2(0, intFin)

    'Relative Humidity (Humedad relativa)
    strRelativeHumidity = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;RelativeHumidity&gt;")+ 24)
    intFin = strRelativeHumidity.IndexOf("&lt;/RelativeHumidity&gt;")
    strRelativeHumidity = strRelativeHumidity.subString2(0, intFin)
    'Pressure (presión Atmosférica)
    strPressure = ResultSoapXML.SubString(ResultSoapXML.IndexOf("&lt;Pressure&gt;")+ 16)
    intFin = strPressure.IndexOf("&lt;/Pressure&gt;")
    strPressure = strPressure.subString2(0, intFin)

''''FIN - substrings para ir obteniendo la Información del Web Service del Clima'''''


End Sub

Sub Set_Location

'    lblTemperature.Text = strTemperature
End Sub

Sub imgWeather_Click
End Sub

Sub HttpClient1_ResponseError (Response As HttpResponse, Reason As String, StatusCode As Int, TaskId As Int)   
  Dim resultSoapXML As String
  resultSoapXML = Response.GetString("UTF8")

End Sub

Sub rv_Disabled
End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy

End Sub
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