Android Question problem Panel


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Hi, I have a problem, I Panel becomes visible but the program does not stop. In the panel I have an edittext and a botton. If anyone has an idea of the reason. Thank you
#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen:  True
    #IncludeTitle:  False
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.

End Sub

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Dim myImagine As Bitmap
    Private accountEmail As Label
    Private accountPassword As Label
    Private CodAzienda As Label
    Private Cognome As Label
    Private Nome As Label
    Private TitoloAccount As Label
    Private NumInterno As Label
    Private TitoloAccount As Label
    Private NumInterno As Label
    Private EditAzienda As EditText
    Private EditCognome As EditText
    Private EditEmail As EditText
    Private EditNome As EditText
    Private EditPassword As EditText      
    Private EditNumInterno As EditText
    Private OkRegistrazione As Button
    Private SfondoAccount As ImageView
    Private conferma As Button
    Private num As EditText
    Private tit As Label
    Private Panel1 As Panel
    Dim SMTP1 As SMTP
    Dim ListaRegistrati(100) As String
    Dim numVerifica As Long
    Dim inviata As Boolean = False
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    Panel1.Visible = False



End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub
Sub OkRegistrazione_Click  
    EditCognome.Text =  EditCognome.Text.ToUpperCase
    EditNome.Text =  EditNome.Text.ToUpperCase
    EditEmail.Text = EditEmail.Text.ToUpperCase
    numVerifica = Rnd(100000,999999)

    SalvaAccount(EditNome.Text, EditCognome.Text, EditNumInterno.Text, EditEmail.Text, EditPassword.text)

End Sub

Sub SalvaAccount( NomeReg As String, CognomeReg As String, NumInternoReg As String, EmailReg As String, PasswordReg As String)
        Dim List1 As List
If EditAzienda.Text = "1234" Then  
        If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal,  "Pizza/Registrazioni.txt") Then
    Sviluppatore.ftp.Initialize ("ftp","", 21 , "xxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxx")
        Sviluppatore.ftp.PassiveMode = True
        Dim sf As Object = Sviluppatore.ftp.DownloadFile("/pizzagrifalapp/Registrazioni.txt", True, File.DirRootExternal,  "/pizza/Registrazioni.txt" )
        Wait For (sf) FTP_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
            List1 = File.ReadList(File.DirRootExternal, "Pizza/Registrazioni.txt")
                For ii = 0 To 99
                ListaRegistrati(ii) = List1.Get(ii)
                    Dim trovato As Boolean
                    trovato = False
                For i = 0 To 99
                    ListaRegistrati(i) = List1.Get(i)
                    Dim stringArray() As String = Regex.Split("\|",ListaRegistrati(i))
                 If ListaRegistrati(i) <> "0" Then
                Log(stringArray(3) & "    " & stringArray(4))
                         If stringArray(0) = NomeReg And stringArray(1) = CognomeReg   Then
                                        Msgbox("Cognome e  Nome già Registrati!!!", "ERRORE!!")
                                            trovato =True
                          Else if stringArray(3) = EmailReg Then
                                             Msgbox("E-mail già Registrata!!!", "ERRORE!!")
                                            trovato =True
                         End If
                        If inviata = False Then email
                        OkRegistrazione.Visible = False
                           Panel1.Visible = True
                                       If trovato = False And ListaRegistrati(i) = "0" Then
                                            ListaRegistrati(i) = NomeReg & "|" & CognomeReg & "|" & NumInternoReg  & "|" & EmailReg  & "|" & PasswordReg
                                            Log( NomeReg & "|" & CognomeReg & "|" & NumInternoReg  & "|" & EmailReg  & "|" & PasswordReg & "......." & i)
                                                trovato = True
                                             'scrivo nel file
                                            File.WriteList(File.DirRootExternal, "Pizza/Registrazioni.txt", ListaRegistrati)
                                            Sviluppatore.ftp.Initialize ("ftp","", 21 , "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
                                            Sviluppatore.ftp.PassiveMode = True
              Dim sfu As Object = Sviluppatore.ftp.UpLoadFile(File.DirRootExternal,  "/pizza/Registrazioni.txt",True, "/pizzagrifalapp/Registrazioni.txt" )
                                                Wait For (sfu) FTP_UploadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
                                             Msgbox("Registrazione completata2", "")
                                        End If
                    End If  
                '    Log(ListaRegistrati(i))
                '    Log(trovato)
    trovato = False
        Else ' se il file non esiste
            For i=0 To 99
                ListaRegistrati(i) = "0"
            ListaRegistrati(0) = NomeReg & "|" & CognomeReg & "|" & NumInternoReg  & "|" & EmailReg  & "|" & PasswordReg
            'Crea la directory
            File.MakeDir(File.DirRootExternal, "Pizza")
            'scrivo nel file che se non c'è me lo crea
            File.WriteList(File.DirRootExternal, "Pizza/Registrazioni.txt", ListaRegistrati)
            Sviluppatore.ftp.Initialize ("ftp","", 21 , "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
            Sviluppatore.ftp.PassiveMode = True
            Dim sfu As Object = Sviluppatore.ftp.UpLoadFile(File.DirRootExternal,  "/pizza/Registrazioni.txt",True, "/pizzagrifalapp/Registrazioni.txt" )
            Wait For (sfu) FTP_UploadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
            Msgbox("Registrazione completata1", "")
    End If
     Msgbox("Codice Azienda, Errato!!!", "ERRORE!!")
End If  
End Sub

Sub email
    'funziona per inviare e-mail
    SMTP1.Initialize("", 465, "","xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","SMTP")
    SMTP1.UseSSL = True
    SMTP1.Subject = "Numero di verifica"
    SMTP1.Body = "Numero di verifica e-mail dell'app SPEEDY PIZZA" & "  " & numVerifica
    inviata = True
End Sub

Sub Pulisce
    EditAzienda.Text = ""
    EditCognome.Text = ""
    EditNome.Text =  ""
    EditNumInterno.Text =  ""
    EditPassword.text =  ""
    EditEmail.Text = ""
End Sub

Sub FTP_UploadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
    Log(ServerPath & " UP Success=" & Success)
    If Success = False Then Log(LastException.Message)
End Sub

Sub FTP_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
    Log(ServerPath & " DOW Success=" & Success)
    If Success = False Then Log(LastException.Message)
End Sub

'questo serve a modificare la grandezza del testo nella label
Sub SetLabelSize(lbl As Label, txt As String)
    Dim dt As Float
    Dim limit = 0.5 As Float
    Dim h As Int
    lbl.Text = txt
    lbl.TextSize = 72
    dt = lbl.TextSize
    h = Main.stu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lbl, txt)
    Do While dt > limit Or h > lbl.Height
        dt = dt / 2
        h = Main.stu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lbl, txt)
        If h > lbl.Height Then
            lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize - dt
            lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize - 1 'ho aggiunto questo meno 1 se no a volte la scritta era grande e non si leggeva
            lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize + dt
            lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize - 1 'ho aggiunto questo meno 1 se no a volte la scritta era grande e non si leggeva
        End If
End Sub

'questo serve a modificare la grandezza del testo nel bottone
Sub SetButtonTextSize(lbl As Button, txt As String)
    Dim dt As Float
    Dim limit = 0.5 As Float
    ' Dim limit = 1 As Float
    Dim h As Int
    lbl.Text = txt
    lbl.TextSize = 72
    dt = lbl.TextSize
    h = Main.stu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lbl, txt)
    Do While dt > limit Or h > lbl.Height
        dt = dt / 2
        h =Main.stu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lbl, txt)
        If h > lbl.Height Then
            lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize - dt
            lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize - 2 'ho aggiunto questo meno 2 se no era grande e andava fuori dal bottone
            lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize + dt
            lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize - 2 'ho aggiunto questo meno 2 se no era grande e andava fuori dal bottone
        End If
End Sub

Sub conferma_Click
    If numVerifica <> num.Text Then
        Msgbox("Verifica E-mail Errata!!!", "ERRORE!!")
    End If
End Sub
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I put this at the bottom there is panel1.visible = true which is where I have the problem. I do not know what can be useful to understand for what I had put everything. As I wrote in the first post the program displays the panel but continues execution. You should stop because I have an editText and a button.

For ii = 0 To 99
                ListaRegistrati(ii) = List1.Get(ii)
                    Dim trovato As Boolean
                    trovato = False
                For i = 0 To 99
                    ListaRegistrati(i) = List1.Get(i)
                    Dim stringArray() As String = Regex.Split("\|",ListaRegistrati(i))
                 If ListaRegistrati(i) <> "0" Then
                Log(stringArray(3) & "    " & stringArray(4))
                         If stringArray(0) = NomeReg And stringArray(1) = CognomeReg   Then
                                        Msgbox("Cognome e  Nome già Registrati!!!", "ERRORE!!")
                                            trovato =True
                          Else if stringArray(3) = EmailReg Then
                                             Msgbox("E-mail già Registrata!!!", "ERRORE!!")
                                            trovato =True
                         End If
                        If inviata = False Then email
                        OkRegistrazione.Visible = False
                           Panel1.Visible = True
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
ok then now I see. I'm away from home and I can not do anything else. Anyway, I've finished the code and do not pretend that you write it. I only have that problem that I described I can not understand why does not work. I can not understand why it does not stop on the panel but continues with the execution. Ty
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