Android Question Problem with AES and Delphi


Hi everybody,
I'm newbie user for B4A, I'm trying to develop application for android after many years of Windows applications, I think that B4A is the best compromise from DELPHI language.

I'm trying to connect my application from a delphi server with AES encryption, Here the code:

I'm using for test, a fake string
  AESKey: TAESKey256 = ($67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67, $67);
  AESIV: TAESBuffer = ($68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68, $68);
(AESKey = 32 x "g" and AESIV = 16 x "h")

function Encrypt(data : string) : String;
  S : String;
   S := IntToHex(Length(Data), 16);
   Result := AESEncryptString(S + Data, AESKey, AESIV);

function AESEncryptString(Data : AnsiString; Key : TAESKey256; IV : TAESBuffer) : AnsiString;
  Cipher: TDCP_rijndael;
  I: Integer;
  Cipher := TDCP_rijndael.Create(nil);
  Cipher.Init(Key[0], 256, @IV[0]);

  if (Length(Data) mod 16 > 0) then   //this fix is less than 16
    for I := 1 to (16 - (Length(Data) mod 16)) do
      Data := Data + AnsiChar(0);

  SetLength(Result, Length(Data));
  Cipher.EncryptCBC(Data[1], Result[1], Length(Data));

In B4A I've tryed a lot of classes without result, for example

Public Sub AES_Encrypt(DataToEncrypt As String) As String
    Dim poKG As KeyGenerator
    Dim poCy As Cipher
    Dim poBC As ByteConverter
    Dim poData() As Byte
    Dim USER_IV16 As String
    Dim USER_KEY As String
    USER_IV16 = "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
    USER_KEY = "gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg"

    ' doing AES
    ' set InitializationVector value
    poCy.InitialisationVector = poBC.StringToBytes(USER_IV16, "ASCII")
    ' Generate a key
    poKG.KeyFromBytes(poBC.StringToBytes(USER_KEY, "ASCII"))
    ' encrypt the string into a byte array
    poData = poCy.Encrypt(poBC.StringToBytes(DataToEncrypt, "ASCII"), poKG.Key, True)
    ' convert the byte array to a HEX string and return it
    'Return poBC.HexFromBytes(poData)
    Return BytesToString(poData,0,poData.Length,"ASCII")
End Sub

Ths string arrive to my server and is totally different, unreadable. (in ASCII and UTF8 is the same result)

B4XEncryption I think is unusable because IV is random....or wrong? :/

Someone can help me please, sorry if there are rubbish but this is my 3th days here =)
Thank you
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