Problem with mListview


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Here's an issue I'm facing.
I'm using the lib found here
I have included a zipped demo project with three mlistviews to demonstrate that when their selection is set from code, they are all set at the same index...
However, if you run the code using F8, one step at a time, it runs correctly.
Any ideas, anyone?


    8.9 KB · Views: 384


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padvou .. maybe have a look at the attached demo. the real problem/issue is NOT solved , although it now works as it should , it only does so by introducing a small delay in setting the selection background of the mlistview , which is probably not acceptable.
Maybe someone else will have a better remedy.

I have streamlined some button code and removed lines I thought were not necessary, but in the end the only real change to make it work was introduce a delay(1 sec) which is way to long . if all else fails maybe play with millisecs ??

Cheers mj


    9 KB · Views: 298
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Thank you for your effort MangoJack.
Indeed it works with a delay introduced.. I think I 'd pass though :BangHead:
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Yeah .. probably a good choice .. hope you solve it.
Cheers mj
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Thank you for your effort MangoJack.
Indeed it works with a delay introduced.. I think I 'd pass though :BangHead:

Maybe you can consider an alternative: UltimateListView. It's not free but it works well and does a lot more than any other listviews (or similar views).

If your list is not very long (less than a few hundreds records), you should also consider the checklist class. Completely free.
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