New to Android dev and B4A. Using the first pages of the beginnerss Guide, I installed the JDK (for x86 although on a 64bit windows machine, as advocated in the guide), then the Andoid SDK. When it is time to select the packages, I reduced to API 27 (originally, I have tried from API 22), just to make it as plain as possible, but I keep getting this deprendency error message which I don't understand. And it won"t let me install anything.
Please see the bottom of the screenshot:
I don't have a clue what to do to proceed. Would you please give me your advice, remembering that I have no understanding about Andoid APIs or packages for the time being?
Thank you for your assistance.
New to Android dev and B4A. Using the first pages of the beginnerss Guide, I installed the JDK (for x86 although on a 64bit windows machine, as advocated in the guide), then the Andoid SDK. When it is time to select the packages, I reduced to API 27 (originally, I have tried from API 22), just to make it as plain as possible, but I keep getting this deprendency error message which I don't understand. And it won"t let me install anything.
Please see the bottom of the screenshot:
I don't have a clue what to do to proceed. Would you please give me your advice, remembering that I have no understanding about Andoid APIs or packages for the time being?
Thank you for your assistance.