I got stucked at updating the activity on resume.
I'm using PreferenceActivity lib to handle user settings.
So, when settings are closed, I want to redraw user interface within Activity_Resume.
My code:
Everything works fine (Labels, text boxes, etc), except Menus. Menus are not changing at all. When I change the orientation of my device, the menus change to the correct version (depends on settings).
I'm adding menus in Activity_Create sub:
What am I missing?
I got stucked at updating the activity on resume.
I'm using PreferenceActivity lib to handle user settings.
So, when settings are closed, I want to redraw user interface within Activity_Resume.
My code:
Sub Activity_Resume
Activity_Create (False)
End Sub
Everything works fine (Labels, text boxes, etc), except Menus. Menus are not changing at all. When I change the orientation of my device, the menus change to the correct version (depends on settings).
I'm adding menus in Activity_Create sub:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
' Some initializations...
End Sub
What am I missing?