B4J Code Snippet Processing an EDN string

Sample code for reading and traversing an EDN structure. EDN is a more flexible data interchange format, than JSON.

Thanks everyone, for their help with some of the JavaObject details.


'Non-UI application (console / server application)
#Region Project Attributes 
	#MergeLibraries: True 
	#AdditionalJar: edn-java-0.5.0.jar
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
	Private NativeMe As JavaObject
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
	NativeMe = Me
	Private jo_Object As JavaObject

	Private s_EDN_Input As String

'	s_EDN_Input = "[ 1, 2, 05/13/2017, 3, \v, 5 ]"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "[ 1, 2, 3, \newline, /#_discarded, 5, { :a 15, :b 16 }, ( 19, 13, 18, #{1 0 15 122 2 9 3 7 5} ) ]"
'	s_EDN_Input = "[ 1, 2, 3, \newline, 5, thissymbol #uuid " & Chr(34) & "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6" & Chr(34) & ", { :a 15, :b 16 }, ( 19, 13, 18, #{1 0 15 122 2 9 3 7 5} ) ]"

	s_EDN_Input = "[ 1, #inst " & Chr(34) & "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z" & Chr(34) & ", 2, 3, \newline, 5, thissymbol #uuid " & Chr(34) & "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6" & Chr(34) & ", { :a 15, :b 16 }, ( 19, 13, 18, #{1 0 15 122 2 9 3 7 5} ) ]"
	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "{:x 1, :y 2}"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "( + :five (* 7 9 ) )"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "#{1 0 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6}"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.334 )"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "[ 9, 6, 7, 3, \a  ]"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "#{18 23 294 50}"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )
	s_EDN_Input = ":xyz"
	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = 12345.74
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = 12345
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = 1
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = False
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

	ExitApplication2( 0 )

End Sub

Sub GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN As String ) As JavaObject

	' Via JavaObject
	Private jo_EDN As JavaObject
	Private jo_DefaultConfiguration As JavaObject
	Private jo_Parseable As JavaObject
	Private jo_Parsers As JavaObject
	Private jo_Parser As JavaObject

	Private jo_KeyWord As JavaObject
	Private jo_NewKeyWord As JavaObject

	Private jo_Value As JavaObject

	Private s_ClassName As String

	Log( "The edn string is " & s_EDN )

	jo_Parsers.InitializeStatic( "us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parsers" )
	jo_Parseable = jo_Parsers.RunMethod( "newParseable", Array( s_EDN ) )
	jo_DefaultConfiguration = jo_Parsers.RunMethod( "defaultConfiguration", Null )

	jo_Parser = jo_Parsers.RunMethod( "newParser", Array( jo_DefaultConfiguration ) )

	jo_Value = jo_Parser.RunMethod( "nextValue", Array( jo_Parseable ) )

	ParseStructure( jo_Value )

	s_ClassName = NativeMe.RunMethod( "ObjectType", Array As Object( jo_Value ) )

	Private jo_Map As Map
	If s_ClassName == "Map" Then
		Private jo_EntrySet As JavaObject
		Private jo_KeySet As JavaObject
		Private jo_Values As JavaObject
		Private n_NumberOfEntries
		Private lst_KeySet As List
		jo_EntrySet = jo_Value.RunMethod( "entrySet", Null )
		Private s_Key As String
		jo_KeySet = jo_Value.RunMethod( "keySet", Null )
		jo_Values = jo_Value.RunMethod( "values", Null )
		s_Key = jo_Value.RunMethod( "get", Array( "x" ) )
		n_NumberOfEntries = jo_Value.RunMethod( "size", Null )

	End If

	Return jo_Value
End Sub

Sub ParseStructure( jo_Structure As JavaObject )
	Private s_ClassName As String
	s_ClassName = NativeMe.RunMethod( "ObjectType", Array As Object( jo_Structure ) )

	Private n_Size As Int
	Private n_Nth_Element As Int
	Private jo_Element As JavaObject
	Private n_Count As Int
	Private jo_Iterator As JavaObject

	Select s_ClassName
		Case "List"
			n_Size = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "size", Null )
			Log( s_ClassName & " " & jo_Structure )
			For n_Nth_Element = 0 To n_Size - 1
				jo_Element = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "get", Array(n_Nth_Element ) )
				ParseStructure( jo_Element )				
		Case "Vector"
			n_Size = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "size", Null )
			Log( s_ClassName & " " & jo_Structure )
			For n_Nth_Element = 0 To n_Size - 1
				jo_Element = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "get", Array(n_Nth_Element ) )
				ParseStructure( jo_Element )
		Case "Set"
			n_Size = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "size", Null )
			jo_Iterator = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "iterator", Null )
			Private jo_Element As JavaObject
			Log( s_ClassName & " " & jo_Structure )

			Do While jo_Iterator.RunMethod( "hasNext", Null )
				jo_Element = jo_Iterator.RunMethod( "next", Null )
				ParseStructure( jo_Element )
		Case "Map"
			n_Size = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "size", Null )
			Private jo_EntrySet As JavaObject
			Log( s_ClassName & " " & jo_Structure )
			jo_EntrySet = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "entrySet", Null )
			n_Size = jo_EntrySet.RunMethod( "size", Null )

			jo_Iterator = jo_EntrySet.RunMethod( "iterator", Null )
			Private jo_Element As JavaObject

			Do While jo_Iterator.RunMethod( "hasNext", Null )
				jo_Element = jo_Iterator.RunMethod( "next", Null )
				Private jo_Key As JavaObject
				jo_Key = jo_Element.RunMethod( "getKey", Null )
				Log( "Next Key: " & jo_Key )
				Private jo_Value As JavaObject
				jo_Value = jo_Element.RunMethod( "getValue", Null )
				Log( "Next Value: " & jo_Value )


		Case "Keyword"
			Log( "Keyword: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Long"
			Log( "Long: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Double"
			Log( "Double: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Integer"
			Log( "Integer: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Short"
			Log( "Short: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Float"
			Log( "Float: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Boolean"
			Log( "Boolean: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Symbol"
			Log( "Symbol: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Token"
			Log( "Token: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Character"
			Log( "Character: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "UUID"
			Log( "UUid: " & jo_Structure )

		Case "Timestamp"
			Log( "Timestamp: " & jo_Structure )

	End Select
End Sub

#If Java
public static String ObjectType( Object o_Object ) { 
Class cls = o_Object.getClass() ;
String s_ObjectType = "" ;
s_ObjectType = cls.toString() ;
// BA.Log( "Class name is :" ) ;
// BA.Log( s_ObjectType );

if ( s_ObjectType.equals("class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList" ) ) {
	s_ObjectType = "Vector" ;
} else if ( o_Object instanceof List ) {
		s_ObjectType = "List" ;
} else if ( o_Object instanceof Map ) {
		s_ObjectType = "Map" ;
} else if ( o_Object instanceof java.util.Set ) {
		s_ObjectType = "Set" ;
} else if ( s_ObjectType.equals("class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet$UnmodifiableEntry" ) ) {
		s_ObjectType = "EntrySet" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof us.bpsm.edn.parser.Token) {
	s_ObjectType = "Token" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof us.bpsm.edn.Keyword) {
	s_ObjectType = "Keyword" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof us.bpsm.edn.TaggedValue) {
	s_ObjectType = "TaggedValue" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof us.bpsm.edn.Symbol) {
	s_ObjectType = "Symbol" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Boolean) {
	s_ObjectType = "Boolean" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Byte) {
	s_ObjectType = "Byte" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof CharSequence) {
	s_ObjectType = "CharSequence" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Character) {
	s_ObjectType = "Character" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Double) {
	s_ObjectType = "Double" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Float) {
	s_ObjectType = "Float" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Integer) {
	s_ObjectType = "Integer" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Long) {
	s_ObjectType = "Long" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Short) {
	s_ObjectType = "Short" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.math.BigInteger) {
	s_ObjectType = "BigInteger" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
	s_ObjectType = "BigDecimal" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.util.Date) {
	s_ObjectType = "Timestamp" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.util.GregorianCalendar) {
	s_ObjectType = "GregorianCalendar" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.util.UUID) {
	s_ObjectType = "UUID" ;
} else {
		s_ObjectType = "Unknown" ;
		return s_ObjectType ;

return s_ObjectType ;
#End If

#If Java
// A scratchpad function for testing and development
import static java.lang.System.out;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List ;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parseable;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parser ;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parsers ;
import static us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parsers.defaultConfiguration ;

public static Object TestParse( String s_TestString ) {

	String Result_str = "";
	Class cls ;	
	String ClassName_str = "";
	out.println( "Before assigning parser from Default Configuration" ) ;
    Parser p = Parsers.newParser(defaultConfiguration()) ;
	BA.Log( "p.toString():");
	BA.Log( p.toString() ) ;

	BA.Log( "Before getting Parseable for List object" );
    Parseable pbr = Parsers.newParseable( s_TestString ) ;
	BA.Log( "After getting Parseable for List object" );
	cls = pbr.getClass() ;
	ClassName_str = cls.getName() ;
	BA.Log( "Type of object pbr:" );
	BA.Log( ClassName_str );
	Result_str = pbr.toString() ;
	BA.Log( "Parseable List object string:" );
	BA.Log( Result_str );

	BA.Log( "Before assigning List object" ) ;
	Object data = p.nextValue(pbr) ;
	BA.Log( "After assigning List object" ) ;
	if( data instanceof List ) {
		BA.Log( "This was a List" ) ;
	if( data instanceof Map ) {
		BA.Log( "This was a Map" ) ;

	BA.Log( "data.toString():" );
	BA.Log( data.toString() ) ;

	BA.Log( "*******************************" ) ;

	return data ;


#End If


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Sample output, from the above:

Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
The edn string is [ 1, #inst "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z", 2, 3, \newline, 5, thissymbol #uuid "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6", { :a 15, :b 16 }, ( 19, 13, 18, #{1 0 15 122 2 9 3 7 5} ) ]
Vector (UnmodifiableRandomAccessList) [1, Fri Apr 12 18:20:50 EST 1985, 2, 3,
, 5, thissymbol, f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6, {:b=16, :a=15}, [19, 13, 18, [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 122, 15]]]
Long: (Long) 1
Timestamp: (Date) Fri Apr 12 18:20:50 EST 1985
Long: (Long) 2
Long: (Long) 3
Character: (Character)
Long: (Long) 5
Symbol: (Symbol) thissymbol
UUid: (UUID) f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
Map (UnmodifiableMap) {:b=16, :a=15}
Next Key: (Keyword) :b
Next Value: (Long) 16
Next Key: (Keyword) :a
Next Value: (Long) 15
List (DelegatingList) [19, 13, 18, [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 122, 15]]
Long: (Long) 19
Long: (Long) 13
Long: (Long) 18
Set (UnmodifiableSet) [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 122, 15]
Long: (Long) 0
Long: (Long) 1
Long: (Long) 2
Long: (Long) 3
Long: (Long) 5
Long: (Long) 7
Long: (Long) 9
Long: (Long) 122
Long: (Long) 15
The edn string is :xyz
Keyword: (Keyword) :xyz

Sample code for reading and traversing an EDN structure. EDN is a more flexible data interchange format, than JSON.

Thanks everyone, for their help with some of the JavaObject details.


'Non-UI application (console / server application)
#Region Project Attributes 
	#MergeLibraries: True 
	#AdditionalJar: edn-java-0.5.0.jar
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
	Private NativeMe As JavaObject
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
	NativeMe = Me
	Private jo_Object As JavaObject

	Private s_EDN_Input As String

'	s_EDN_Input = "[ 1, 2, 05/13/2017, 3, \v, 5 ]"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "[ 1, 2, 3, \newline, /#_discarded, 5, { :a 15, :b 16 }, ( 19, 13, 18, #{1 0 15 122 2 9 3 7 5} ) ]"
'	s_EDN_Input = "[ 1, 2, 3, \newline, 5, thissymbol #uuid " & Chr(34) & "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6" & Chr(34) & ", { :a 15, :b 16 }, ( 19, 13, 18, #{1 0 15 122 2 9 3 7 5} ) ]"

	s_EDN_Input = "[ 1, #inst " & Chr(34) & "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z" & Chr(34) & ", 2, 3, \newline, 5, thissymbol #uuid " & Chr(34) & "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6" & Chr(34) & ", { :a 15, :b 16 }, ( 19, 13, 18, #{1 0 15 122 2 9 3 7 5} ) ]"
	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "{:x 1, :y 2}"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "( + :five (* 7 9 ) )"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "#{1 0 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6}"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.334 )"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "[ 9, 6, 7, 3, \a  ]"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = "#{18 23 294 50}"
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )
	s_EDN_Input = ":xyz"
	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = 12345.74
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = 12345
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = 1
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

'	s_EDN_Input = False
'	jo_Object = GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN_Input )

	ExitApplication2( 0 )

End Sub

Sub GetParsedEDNObject( s_EDN As String ) As JavaObject

	' Via JavaObject
	Private jo_EDN As JavaObject
	Private jo_DefaultConfiguration As JavaObject
	Private jo_Parseable As JavaObject
	Private jo_Parsers As JavaObject
	Private jo_Parser As JavaObject

	Private jo_KeyWord As JavaObject
	Private jo_NewKeyWord As JavaObject

	Private jo_Value As JavaObject

	Private s_ClassName As String

	Log( "The edn string is " & s_EDN )

	jo_Parsers.InitializeStatic( "us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parsers" )
	jo_Parseable = jo_Parsers.RunMethod( "newParseable", Array( s_EDN ) )
	jo_DefaultConfiguration = jo_Parsers.RunMethod( "defaultConfiguration", Null )

	jo_Parser = jo_Parsers.RunMethod( "newParser", Array( jo_DefaultConfiguration ) )

	jo_Value = jo_Parser.RunMethod( "nextValue", Array( jo_Parseable ) )

	ParseStructure( jo_Value )

	s_ClassName = NativeMe.RunMethod( "ObjectType", Array As Object( jo_Value ) )

	Private jo_Map As Map
	If s_ClassName == "Map" Then
		Private jo_EntrySet As JavaObject
		Private jo_KeySet As JavaObject
		Private jo_Values As JavaObject
		Private n_NumberOfEntries
		Private lst_KeySet As List
		jo_EntrySet = jo_Value.RunMethod( "entrySet", Null )
		Private s_Key As String
		jo_KeySet = jo_Value.RunMethod( "keySet", Null )
		jo_Values = jo_Value.RunMethod( "values", Null )
		s_Key = jo_Value.RunMethod( "get", Array( "x" ) )
		n_NumberOfEntries = jo_Value.RunMethod( "size", Null )

	End If

	Return jo_Value
End Sub

Sub ParseStructure( jo_Structure As JavaObject )
	Private s_ClassName As String
	s_ClassName = NativeMe.RunMethod( "ObjectType", Array As Object( jo_Structure ) )

	Private n_Size As Int
	Private n_Nth_Element As Int
	Private jo_Element As JavaObject
	Private n_Count As Int
	Private jo_Iterator As JavaObject

	Select s_ClassName
		Case "List"
			n_Size = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "size", Null )
			Log( s_ClassName & " " & jo_Structure )
			For n_Nth_Element = 0 To n_Size - 1
				jo_Element = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "get", Array(n_Nth_Element ) )
				ParseStructure( jo_Element )				
		Case "Vector"
			n_Size = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "size", Null )
			Log( s_ClassName & " " & jo_Structure )
			For n_Nth_Element = 0 To n_Size - 1
				jo_Element = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "get", Array(n_Nth_Element ) )
				ParseStructure( jo_Element )
		Case "Set"
			n_Size = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "size", Null )
			jo_Iterator = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "iterator", Null )
			Private jo_Element As JavaObject
			Log( s_ClassName & " " & jo_Structure )

			Do While jo_Iterator.RunMethod( "hasNext", Null )
				jo_Element = jo_Iterator.RunMethod( "next", Null )
				ParseStructure( jo_Element )
		Case "Map"
			n_Size = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "size", Null )
			Private jo_EntrySet As JavaObject
			Log( s_ClassName & " " & jo_Structure )
			jo_EntrySet = jo_Structure.RunMethod( "entrySet", Null )
			n_Size = jo_EntrySet.RunMethod( "size", Null )

			jo_Iterator = jo_EntrySet.RunMethod( "iterator", Null )
			Private jo_Element As JavaObject

			Do While jo_Iterator.RunMethod( "hasNext", Null )
				jo_Element = jo_Iterator.RunMethod( "next", Null )
				Private jo_Key As JavaObject
				jo_Key = jo_Element.RunMethod( "getKey", Null )
				Log( "Next Key: " & jo_Key )
				Private jo_Value As JavaObject
				jo_Value = jo_Element.RunMethod( "getValue", Null )
				Log( "Next Value: " & jo_Value )


		Case "Keyword"
			Log( "Keyword: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Long"
			Log( "Long: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Double"
			Log( "Double: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Integer"
			Log( "Integer: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Short"
			Log( "Short: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Float"
			Log( "Float: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Boolean"
			Log( "Boolean: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Symbol"
			Log( "Symbol: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Token"
			Log( "Token: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "Character"
			Log( "Character: " & jo_Structure )
		Case "UUID"
			Log( "UUid: " & jo_Structure )

		Case "Timestamp"
			Log( "Timestamp: " & jo_Structure )

	End Select
End Sub

#If Java
public static String ObjectType( Object o_Object ) { 
Class cls = o_Object.getClass() ;
String s_ObjectType = "" ;
s_ObjectType = cls.toString() ;
// BA.Log( "Class name is :" ) ;
// BA.Log( s_ObjectType );

if ( s_ObjectType.equals("class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList" ) ) {
	s_ObjectType = "Vector" ;
} else if ( o_Object instanceof List ) {
		s_ObjectType = "List" ;
} else if ( o_Object instanceof Map ) {
		s_ObjectType = "Map" ;
} else if ( o_Object instanceof java.util.Set ) {
		s_ObjectType = "Set" ;
} else if ( s_ObjectType.equals("class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet$UnmodifiableEntry" ) ) {
		s_ObjectType = "EntrySet" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof us.bpsm.edn.parser.Token) {
	s_ObjectType = "Token" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof us.bpsm.edn.Keyword) {
	s_ObjectType = "Keyword" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof us.bpsm.edn.TaggedValue) {
	s_ObjectType = "TaggedValue" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof us.bpsm.edn.Symbol) {
	s_ObjectType = "Symbol" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Boolean) {
	s_ObjectType = "Boolean" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Byte) {
	s_ObjectType = "Byte" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof CharSequence) {
	s_ObjectType = "CharSequence" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Character) {
	s_ObjectType = "Character" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Double) {
	s_ObjectType = "Double" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Float) {
	s_ObjectType = "Float" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Integer) {
	s_ObjectType = "Integer" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Long) {
	s_ObjectType = "Long" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof Short) {
	s_ObjectType = "Short" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.math.BigInteger) {
	s_ObjectType = "BigInteger" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
	s_ObjectType = "BigDecimal" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.util.Date) {
	s_ObjectType = "Timestamp" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.util.GregorianCalendar) {
	s_ObjectType = "GregorianCalendar" ;
} else if (o_Object instanceof java.util.UUID) {
	s_ObjectType = "UUID" ;
} else {
		s_ObjectType = "Unknown" ;
		return s_ObjectType ;

return s_ObjectType ;
#End If

#If Java
// A scratchpad function for testing and development
import static java.lang.System.out;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List ;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parseable;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parser ;
import us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parsers ;
import static us.bpsm.edn.parser.Parsers.defaultConfiguration ;

public static Object TestParse( String s_TestString ) {

	String Result_str = "";
	Class cls ;	
	String ClassName_str = "";
	out.println( "Before assigning parser from Default Configuration" ) ;
    Parser p = Parsers.newParser(defaultConfiguration()) ;
	BA.Log( "p.toString():");
	BA.Log( p.toString() ) ;

	BA.Log( "Before getting Parseable for List object" );
    Parseable pbr = Parsers.newParseable( s_TestString ) ;
	BA.Log( "After getting Parseable for List object" );
	cls = pbr.getClass() ;
	ClassName_str = cls.getName() ;
	BA.Log( "Type of object pbr:" );
	BA.Log( ClassName_str );
	Result_str = pbr.toString() ;
	BA.Log( "Parseable List object string:" );
	BA.Log( Result_str );

	BA.Log( "Before assigning List object" ) ;
	Object data = p.nextValue(pbr) ;
	BA.Log( "After assigning List object" ) ;
	if( data instanceof List ) {
		BA.Log( "This was a List" ) ;
	if( data instanceof Map ) {
		BA.Log( "This was a Map" ) ;

	BA.Log( "data.toString():" );
	BA.Log( data.toString() ) ;

	BA.Log( "*******************************" ) ;

	return data ;


#End If