Share My Creation Push to Talk

PPT is a Walkie Talkie application for Android. It could provide you world wide Push to Talk (PPT) service after connected to internet via WIFI or 3G.

This app is based on android native sip stack. To run this app your android phone need to be above version 2.3. And even this there is no guarantee all android phones match this condition could run this app because your phone firmware might already disabled VOIP option.

PPT is a FREE software. Enjoy it with your android phone! Build your own push to talk network for your friends, your company ......


1, Based on android native SIP API. Working stable.

2, World wide Walkie Talkie.

3, Define talking channel by yourself to secure communication.

4, Simple and easy to use. Press and hold on green button To Talk.

Quick Start:

1). Run PTT app and then press menu button of your Android phone.
2). Click Settings button for PTT app to show settings dialog.
3). Click Ok button directly.

Now, you will be login to PTT's default channel. Press and hold on green button, after you hear beep tone you will be able to talk to other persons in default channel. After you finish talking please leave your finger from green button.

Further Configuration:

Self-define channel to make private PTT for your group. Only those who configured with same channel could listen or talk.

1). Run PTT app and then press menu button of your Android phone.
2). Click Settings button for PTT app to show settings dialog.
3). Input a numeric string for Channel parameter.
4). Input your full name for Aliase parameter.
5). Click Ok button to save.

To get full document about this app please check


  • ptt.apk
    368.7 KB · Views: 896
  • ptt-en-6.png
    16.6 KB · Views: 5,128
  • ptt-en-1.png
    32.5 KB · Views: 1,019
  • ptt-en-12.png
    17.8 KB · Views: 929


Licensed User
Longtime User
PPT is a Walkie Talkie application for Android. It could provide you world wide Push to Talk (PPT) service after connected to internet via WIFI or 3G.

This app is based on android native sip stack. To run this app your android phone need to be above version 2.3. And even this there is no guarantee all android phones match this condition could run this app because your phone firmware might already disabled VOIP option.

PPT is a FREE software. Enjoy it with your android phone! Build your own push to talk network for your friends, your company ......


1, Based on android native SIP API. Working stable.

2, World wide Walkie Talkie.

3, Define talking channel by yourself to secure communication.

4, Simple and easy to use. Press and hold on green button To Talk.

Quick Start:

1). Run PTT app and then press menu button of your Android phone.
2). Click Settings button for PTT app to show settings dialog.
3). Click Ok button directly.

Now, you will be login to PTT's default channel. Press and hold on green button, after you hear beep tone you will be able to talk to other persons in default channel. After you finish talking please leave your finger from green button.

Further Configuration:

Self-define channel to make private PTT for your group. Only those who configured with same channel could listen or talk.

1). Run PTT app and then press menu button of your Android phone.
2). Click Settings button for PTT app to show settings dialog.
3). Input a numeric string for Channel parameter.
4). Input your full name for Aliase parameter.
5). Click Ok button to save.

To get full document about this app please check

Hi, basicall! What PPT server you used?


Licensed User
Longtime User
> Hi, basicall! What PPT server you used?

My PTT server is composed of the following components:

1), SIP server. You could choose Asterisk or FreeSwtich or other your favourite VOIP servers. I use Asterisk as SIP server because I am familiar with it.

2), Http service application to handle user management.

3), Call control application to manage phone calls.


Licensed User
Longtime User
> Hi, basicall! What PPT server you used?

My PTT server is composed of the following components:

1), SIP server. You could choose Asterisk or FreeSwtich or other your favourite VOIP servers. I use Asterisk as SIP server because I am familiar with it.

2), Http service application to handle user management.

3), Call control application to manage phone calls.

Do you have real IP address for asterisk?


Licensed User
Longtime User
> Do you have real IP address for asterisk?

Real ip address ? Maybe you means public ip address ?

For PTT users, they need not know anything about PTT server. They just need to install PTT app on their android phone and configure channel parameters will be able to build their own private network. If they do not configure channel parameter their communication will be on default channel.