Hey All,
Hope you are all well!, I love this languages, just doing my first app and it is going well, so thanks to Erel. I'm normally a lurker on the forum, there is great information on here, and I have been searching.
I'm been working on this issue, and just want to ask, if you use a datedialog to ask for a date, how are you putting into the sqlite database.
I have set the date in database as
I was doing it like the following as an example
But when viewing the results using DBUtils webtable view as follows
It just shows the default
How can I show the user input, I'm thinking I'm putting in the formation wrong, please could I have some advise on this, on how other people put the user input of a date into the database
Much appreciate all your help in advance
Many thanks
Kind Regards
Hope you are all well!, I love this languages, just doing my first app and it is going well, so thanks to Erel. I'm normally a lurker on the forum, there is great information on here, and I have been searching.
I'm been working on this issue, and just want to ask, if you use a datedialog to ask for a date, how are you putting into the sqlite database.
I have set the date in database as
m.Put("TreatmentDate", DBUtils.DB_TEXT)
I was doing it like the following as an example
TreatementDate = Dd.Show("Treatment Date", "iDialysis", "Save", "Cancel","",Null)
ret1 = (Dd.Year & "-" & Dd.Month & "-" & Dd.DayOfMonth)
SQL.ExecNonQuery("INSERT into table values " & ret1 & ")")
But when viewing the results using DBUtils webtable view as follows
WebView1.LoadHtml(DBUtils.ExecuteHtml(SQL, _
"SELECT date(TreatmentDate / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') As Date, FROM table" _
, Null, 0, True))
It just shows the default
How can I show the user input, I'm thinking I'm putting in the formation wrong, please could I have some advise on this, on how other people put the user input of a date into the database
Much appreciate all your help in advance
Many thanks
Kind Regards