I don't normally synch my Notes from my device, but just this once I did as there was one I wanted on the laptop. Therefore, I wasn't too sure where to find it or how to read it. Yes, that means I am a blind bugger who hadn't being paying attention to what was right in front of his eyes!
So anyway, I found the file and I tried double clicking it. W7 denied all knowledge of the file type! So I went to the general help from the Start button and tried looking for pwi. It said it had never heard of it!
Fortunately, number one son, the IT expert, pointed me to Outlook, and lo! There were my notes and perfectly readable!
The old phrase about the left and right hand not knowing what each other are doing springs to mind. It didn't do anything to raise my opinion of the providers of the software!
And, as I said, it proved I'm a blind bugger!
So anyway, I found the file and I tried double clicking it. W7 denied all knowledge of the file type! So I went to the general help from the Start button and tried looking for pwi. It said it had never heard of it!
Fortunately, number one son, the IT expert, pointed me to Outlook, and lo! There were my notes and perfectly readable!
The old phrase about the left and right hand not knowing what each other are doing springs to mind. It didn't do anything to raise my opinion of the providers of the software!