By default jQuery DataTables use the "aaData" property of the returned data which is an Array of Arrays with one entry for each column in the table.
Dim m As Map
m.Put("aaData", GetContacts)
The GetContacts could be populated from a database by using the DBUtils class:
Public Sub GetContacts As List
Dim l As List : l.Initialize
l = DBUtils.ExecuteMemoryTable(sqlObj, "SELECT * FROM CONTACTS ORDER BY Name ASC", Null, 0)
Return l
End Sub
The Map m can then be used to generate a JSON string which can be returned as a response to the server:
This will be used by the DataTable in the html file to load data from an external source by using parameter sAjaxSource in document get ready.
Dim jg As JSONGenerator
resp.ContentType = "application/json"
See also B4J HowTo > WebApps jQuery > jQuery UI DataTable
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