Android Question Questions and helper for RDC

Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
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Questions RDC
I'm learning to use RDC client and server to exchange data between B4A app and server and I was able to connect the server and to exchange data between the two systems. OK.

I have the following questions, which may have already been made but have not been able to find:

- Sql commands and tables must always be defined in the configuration file of the server to be used by the app in android? in other words, I always have to create the sql statements that I want to use first in the configuration file for future use?

- Can anyone give me an example of how to read data from a list view and send them to the server and another example to read data from the server and show them in a listview?

thanks for the help and the instrument RDC


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Longtime User
The RDC is "just" the mediator between you device application and the SQL database.
You have to define how the content of the list is going to be put into the DB because the DB has field names and may have few columns, to what columns should you put the data items of the list ?

After solving that problem you can define the config file to suit the required actions, and yes, you must define it first for it to work.
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