I created this class to be able to connect to quickblox:
QuickBlox is similar to Parse. However, their free plan offers unlimited api calls and 10gigs of storage space. They have modules for CustomObjects (tables), Authentication, Push Notifications and more. I only wrapped the CustomObjects and a little bit of Authentication for use in my app. Feel free to use this as a base. It is free for you to use, but i am not going to support it.
To be able to use this class, you have to add the following methods to httpjob in httputils2:
Code for the Class:
QuickBlox is similar to Parse. However, their free plan offers unlimited api calls and 10gigs of storage space. They have modules for CustomObjects (tables), Authentication, Push Notifications and more. I only wrapped the CustomObjects and a little bit of Authentication for use in my app. Feel free to use this as a base. It is free for you to use, but i am not going to support it.
To be able to use this class, you have to add the following methods to httpjob in httputils2:
'Submits a HTTP GET request.
'Encodes illegal parameter characters.
'job.Download3("http://www.example.com", _
' params as string)</code>
Public Sub Download3(Link As String, params As String)
CallSubDelayed2(HttpUtils2Service, "SubmitJob", Me)
End Sub
'Submits a HTTP PUT request.
Public Sub PutString(Link As String, Text As String)
PutBytes(Link, Text.GetBytes("UTF8"))
End Sub
'Sends a PUT request with the given string as the put data
Public Sub PutBytes(Link As String, Data() As Byte)
req.InitializePut2(Link, Data)
CallSubDelayed2(HttpUtils2Service, "SubmitJob", Me)
End Sub
'Submits a HTTP DELETE request.
Public Sub Delete(Link As String)
CallSubDelayed2(HttpUtils2Service, "SubmitJob", Me)
End Sub
Code for the Class:
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Private ApplicationID As String
Private AuthorizationKey As String
Private AuthorizationSecret As String
Private Username As String
Private Password As String
Private Act As Object
Type TokenResponse(Token As String, RawResponse As String)
Type DefaultResponse(RawResponse As String)
Type CreateResponse(RecordID As String, RawResponse As String)
Type RetrievalParam(Key As String, Operator As String, Value As String)
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize(caller As Object, uname As String, pwd As String, appid As String, secret As String, key As String)
ApplicationID = appid
AuthorizationKey = key
AuthorizationSecret = secret
Username = uname
Password = pwd
Act = caller
End Sub
'Date: 12/2/2013
'Author: Michael Hartwig
'Purpose: Encryps the SHA1 Hash for use in
'generating the QuickBlox signature.
Private Sub EncryptHMACSHA(Target As String, Key As String) As String
Dim m As Mac
Dim k As KeyGenerator
m.Initialise("HMACSHA1", k.Key)
Dim b() As Byte
b = m.Sign
Dim bc As ByteConverter
Return bc.HexFromBytes(b)
End Sub
'Date: 12/2/2013
'Author: Michael Hartwig
'Purpose: Generates a signature for use in
'generating a QuickBlox token.
Private Sub GenerateSignature(nonce As Int, timestamp As Long) As String
Dim signatureParams As String
signatureParams = "application_id=[appid]&auth_key=[authkey]&nonce=[nonce]×tamp=[time]&user[login]=[uname]&user[password]=[pass]".Replace( _
"[appid]", ApplicationID).Replace("[authkey]", AuthorizationKey).Replace("[nonce]", nonce).Replace( _
"[time]", timestamp).Replace("[uname]", Username).Replace("[pass]", Password)
Dim sig As String : sig = EncryptHMACSHA(signatureParams, AuthorizationSecret)
Log("Generated Signature for Token: " & sig.ToLowerCase)
Return sig.ToLowerCase
End Sub
'Date: 12/2/2013
'Author: Michael Hartwig
'Purpose: JobDone event for HTTPUtils2.
Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
If Job.Success = True Then
Select Job.JobName
Case "GetToken"
Dim ret As String : ret = Job.GetString
'replace the old garbage with a top level object
ret = "{~results~:".Replace("~", Chr(34)) & ret & "}"
Dim json As JSONParser
Dim m As Map 'helper object used for navigating
Dim root As Map
root = json.NextObject
root = root.Get("results")
m = root.Get("session")
Dim token As String
For Each key As String In m.Keys
If key = "token" Then
token = m.Get(key)
End If
Log("Recieved Token for Session: " & token)
Dim token_response As TokenResponse
token_response.token = token
token_response.RawResponse = ret
CallSubDelayed2(Act, "GetToken_Complete", token_response)
Case "CreateRecord"
Dim ret As String : ret = Job.GetString
Dim mat As Matcher
mat = Regex.Matcher("<_id>(.*?)</_id>", ret)
Dim i As String : i = ""
Do While mat.Find
i = mat.Group(1)
If i = "" Then
Log("Failed to Create Record.")
Log("Created Record with ID: " & i)
End If
Dim create_response As CreateResponse
create_response.RecordID = i
create_response.RawResponse = ret
CallSubDelayed2(Act, "CreateCustomObject_Complete", create_response)
Case "DeleteRecord"
Dim ret As String : ret = Job.GetString
If ret = "" Then
CallSubDelayed2(Act, "DeleteCustomObject_Complete", True)
CallSubDelayed2(Act, "DeleteCustomObject_Complete", False)
End If
Case "RetrieveRecords"
Dim ret As String : ret = Job.GetString
End Select
Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
End If
End Sub
'Date: 12/2/2013
'Author: Michael Hartwig
'Purpose: Gets an authentication session token
'for use in all QuickBlox calls. Tokens are good
'for 2 hours.
Public Sub GetSessionToken()
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("GetToken", Me)
Dim timestamp As Long : timestamp = DateTime.Now / 1000
Dim nonce As Int : nonce = Rnd(1, 1000)
Dim json As JSONGenerator
Dim m As Map
m.Put("application_id", ApplicationID)
m.Put("auth_key", AuthorizationKey)
m.put("timestamp", timestamp)
m.Put("nonce", nonce)
m.Put("signature", GenerateSignature(nonce, timestamp))
Dim mUser As Map
mUser.Put("login", Username)
mUser.Put("password", Password)
m.Put("user", mUser)
Dim strJSON As String : strJSON = json.ToString
job.PostString("https://api.quickblox.com/session.json", strJSON)
job.GetRequest.SetHeader("QuickBlox-REST-API-Version", "0.1.0")
End Sub
'Date: 12/2/2013
'Author: Michael Hartwig
'Purpose: Retrieve records from QuickBlox
Public Sub RetrieveRecords(Parameters As String, ClassName As String, Token As String)
Dim Job As HttpJob
Job.Initialize("RetrieveRecords", Me)
Dim url As String
url = "https://api.quickblox.com/data/[classname]".Replace("[classname]", ClassName)
If Parameters = "" Then
Job.Download3(url, Parameters)
End If
Job.GetRequest.SetHeader("QB-Token", Token)
End Sub
'Date: 12/2/2013
'Author: Michael Hartwig
'Purpose: Deletes a record from QuickBlox given
'the record id.
Public Sub DeleteRecord(ClassName As String, RecordID As String, Token As String)
Dim Job As HttpJob
Job.Initialize("DeleteRecord", Me)
Dim url As String
url = "https://api.quickblox.com/data/[classname]/[id].json".Replace("[id]", RecordID).Replace("[classname]", ClassName)
Job.GetRequest.SetHeader("QB-Token", Token)
End Sub
'Date: 12/2/2013
'Author: Michael Hartwig
'Purpose: Deletes multiple records from QuickBlox
'given a list of record id's in string format
Public Sub DeleteMultipleRecords(ClassName As String, RecordID As List, Token As String)
Dim Job As HttpJob
Job.Initialize("DeleteRecords", Me)
Dim Records As String : Records = ""
For i = 0 To RecordID.Size - 1
If Records = "" Then
Records = Records & RecordID.Get(i)
Records = "," & Records & RecordID.Get(i)
End If
Dim url As String
url = "https://api.quickblox.com/data/[classname]/[id].json".Replace("[id]", Records).Replace("[classname]", ClassName)
Job.GetRequest.SetHeader("QB-Token", Token)
End Sub
'Date: 12/2/2013
'Author: Michael Hartwig
'Purpose: Creates a single record in a QuickBlox
Public Sub CreateRecord(ClassName As String, Record As Map, Token As String)
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("CreateRecord", Me)
Dim strJSON As String : strJSON = ""
For i = 0 To Record.Size - 1
Dim strTemp As String
If strJSON = "" Then
strTemp = Record.GetKeyAt(i) & "=" & Record.GetValueAt(i)
strTemp = "&" & Record.GetKeyAt(i) & "=" & Record.GetValueAt(i)
End If
strJSON = strJSON & strTemp
job.PostString("https://api.quickblox.com/data/[classname]".Replace("[classname]", ClassName), strJSON)
job.GetRequest.SetHeader("QB-Token", Token)
End Sub