Sadly today Sir Clive Sinclair passed away today,
I absolutely loved my old Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K, that rubber keyboard that was not too clever to type on though and this machine was the first new computer that I owned, I'll never forget it.
My best friend Sacha and I used to buy Spectrum computer magazines from WH Smiths in Birmingham city centre every couple of weeks, we spent hours typing in lines of codes taken from the magazines just to play the games (which didn't work a lot of the time). I also had the ZX Spectrum thermal printer that printed on a gray roll of paper, just for printing out code.
Loading games and saved programmes from cassette tapes was a chore, rewinding and adjusting the volume time and time again until the data finally loaded was a pain lol
My earliest favourite games were jet set willy, skool days, football manager, paper boy, turbo esprit, sabre wulf, manic miner just to name a few.
Anyway thanks for the memories Sir Clive, you were a real tech geek and will go down in history for creating affordable PCs for the masses
I absolutely loved my old Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K, that rubber keyboard that was not too clever to type on though and this machine was the first new computer that I owned, I'll never forget it.
My best friend Sacha and I used to buy Spectrum computer magazines from WH Smiths in Birmingham city centre every couple of weeks, we spent hours typing in lines of codes taken from the magazines just to play the games (which didn't work a lot of the time). I also had the ZX Spectrum thermal printer that printed on a gray roll of paper, just for printing out code.
Loading games and saved programmes from cassette tapes was a chore, rewinding and adjusting the volume time and time again until the data finally loaded was a pain lol
My earliest favourite games were jet set willy, skool days, football manager, paper boy, turbo esprit, sabre wulf, manic miner just to name a few.
Anyway thanks for the memories Sir Clive, you were a real tech geek and will go down in history for creating affordable PCs for the masses

Sir Clive Sinclair: Computing pioneer dies aged 81
The inventor, entrepreneur and ZX Spectrum creator died at his London home following a long illness.

Home computing pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair dies aged 81
Creator of the landmark ZX Spectrum and the less commercially successful C5 died after a long illness