I have managed to send a string using jOkHttpUtils2 to my domain (PHP/MySQL) this way
How can I download a string (p2) and also (p3, p4, p5) to the client application as an example from the server lets say from senddata.php but how?
since I'm using jOkHttpUtils2 I want to use it to download not only upload variables.
Thanks for sorting this out.
Sub BtnSend_Click
'Send a POST request
job2.Initialize("Job2", Me)
job2.PostString("http://www.domainname.com/phpscript.php", "p1=Hello World!")
End Sub
$p1 = $_POST['p1'];
echo "Server script recieved: " . $p1;
How can I download a string (p2) and also (p3, p4, p5) to the client application as an example from the server lets say from senddata.php but how?
since I'm using jOkHttpUtils2 I want to use it to download not only upload variables.
Thanks for sorting this out.
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