Firstly, I have hesitated to post this question and tried to work it out for myself. I have asked a couple of questions in the past on other subjects and received very helpful information. From those answers I've been able to dig in and learn what I've needed to learn, so thank you very much.
This new question is to do with how to read a TXT file on the cloud - OneDrive to be precise. But the fact it is OneDrive is just incidental; I'm sure the same question would be there regardless of where on the cloud the TXT file was.
I started by using the FLICKR sample code as my guide and learned a lot from that, such as using HttpJob etc. But I also learned that downloading a photo is different to reading a text file. I have asked people at work for help, from where I learned about the API's that require specific codes to use. Then I have spent days reading and trying to adjust the FLICKR sample code to do what I'm trying to do, but all to no avail. I have watched some of Eril's very helpful videos, from where I learned about the existence OkHttpUtils2, but not how to use it.
I've run out of places to look for HOW TO information, so now I come cap-in-hand to you guys'n'girls. Does anybody have any sample code they can provide to me just to enable me to read my own text file on OneDrive, and maybe some key words of wisdom? From that, based on recent history with similar questions about arrays and icons, I believe I'll be able to start the next phase of my learning process.
BTW, to give you reassurance that your help isn't being wasted, I have written a fully functional game that uses what I have learned about arrays and icons. My extended family are now hooked trying to solve the game. So your wonderful help isn't being wasted.
This new question is to do with how to read a TXT file on the cloud - OneDrive to be precise. But the fact it is OneDrive is just incidental; I'm sure the same question would be there regardless of where on the cloud the TXT file was.
I started by using the FLICKR sample code as my guide and learned a lot from that, such as using HttpJob etc. But I also learned that downloading a photo is different to reading a text file. I have asked people at work for help, from where I learned about the API's that require specific codes to use. Then I have spent days reading and trying to adjust the FLICKR sample code to do what I'm trying to do, but all to no avail. I have watched some of Eril's very helpful videos, from where I learned about the existence OkHttpUtils2, but not how to use it.
I've run out of places to look for HOW TO information, so now I come cap-in-hand to you guys'n'girls. Does anybody have any sample code they can provide to me just to enable me to read my own text file on OneDrive, and maybe some key words of wisdom? From that, based on recent history with similar questions about arrays and icons, I believe I'll be able to start the next phase of my learning process.
BTW, to give you reassurance that your help isn't being wasted, I have written a fully functional game that uses what I have learned about arrays and icons. My extended family are now hooked trying to solve the game. So your wonderful help isn't being wasted.