realtime video streaming ?


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HI there i'm a little stuck on a project im starting and wondered if i can have some help / advice ...

OK , i have a cnc machine running windows and i want to stream a live webcam feed to my android tablet so i can monitor the progress etc. I'm not too worried about the windows application its the android side which im stuck on.

From what ive seen videoview buffers the stream so there's a time difference that this is no good for what i want.

The only idea i can think of is make a web server and snap the webcam to images every few secs and using http get to get the image , but this again isn't live.

To summarize i want to stream a destop web cam to my tablet over a local network.

Any ideas ?? or is not possible ?

thanks for looking



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Perhaps using VLC as middle-ware (transcoding-server) and then use the http-interface of VLC to handle the streaming (and create a port) and to which your android-app connects to.

Just some thoughts...I have a similar solution up and running for remote-streaming of a satellite-receiver.
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moster67 ...

Thanks for your quick reply , i have tried the latest VLC and can't get it working right with video view , i just get "this video cant be played"

Do you mind giving a quick description on settings and video formats and what you use to view it ??

Thanks again

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