Android Question reception des données par bluetooth


New Member
Good evening everyone
I really need your help
I wrote a program to receive characters sent by my arduino card on my android phone. I use an H06 bluetooth adapter for communication and the serial library for the code
the arduino does receive data from android but the android does not receive from arduino
when the android should receive it hangs
sorry help me


New Member
Sub Timer1_Tick
If connected Then
If TextReader1.Ready Then 'check if there is any data waiting to be read
txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text & TextReader1.ReadLine & CRLF 'add the incoming message to the txtlog and go to the next line of txtlog
txtLog.SelectionStart = txtLog.Text.Length 'move to the last character in the txtlog to create "scrolling" efect
End If
End If
End Sub
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