Record will not save to Table in SQLite


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I am creating a program that uses the SQLite database a lot and have come across a problem where the HorseFileName TABLE is Created but Data will not save to the HorseFileName Table.

I have put the code from the main app I am creating into a small prog to test it for errors but just can not see where I have it wrong as it runs through the debug line by line until the cmd.ExecNonQuery and then drops through to the error.

Maybe someone may see something I do not see in my code.

Thanks for any help.

It is this sub that it stops working in the error trap.

Public Sub [B]SaveHorseListData[/B]
   ' create parameters

   cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " & HorseFileName & " (HID, RaceID, TAB, HorseName, E, Cty, ThisForm, " & _
      "Barrier, NewBar, Weight, FWD, WDOds, FWW, WWOds, FSD, SDOds, FSW, SWOds, AdjRate, HorseAge, HorseType, " & _
      "HorseSex, HorseTrainer, HorseTrainerLoc, Jockey, Allow, QTABJock, Career, Runs, Ws, Ps, APIs, " & _
      "CurAPIs, WinDist, ThisDist, ThisCourse, Fast, Good, Dead, Slow, Heavy, FUp, SUp, ThisDistPC, " & _
      "ThisCoursePC, FastPC, GoodPC, DeadPC, SlowPC, HeavyPC, FUpPC, SUpPC, DLS, Breed, Owner, Silks, " & _
      "RunsBack, RBLetUp, WRPos, SRPos, PcePos, APIPos, PsPos, WsPos, DDist, DWgt, HPace, BlkBk, FS) " & _
      "VALUES (null, @RaceID, @TAB, @HorseName, @E, @Cty, @ThisForm, @Barrier, @NewBar, @Weight, @FWD, @WDOds, " & _
      "@FWW, @WWOds, @FSD, @SDOds, @FSW, @SWOds, @AdjRate, @HorseAge, @HorseType, @HorseSex, @HorseTrainer, " & _
      "@HorseTrainerLoc, @Jockey, @Allow, @QTABJock, @Career, @Runs, @Ws, @Ps, @APIs, @CurAPIs, @WinDist, " & _
      "@ThisDist, @ThisCourse, @Fast, @Good, @Dead, @Slow, @Heavy, @FUp, @SUp, @ThisDistPC, @ThisCoursePC, " & _
      "@FastPC, @GoodPC, @DeadPC, @SlowPC, @HeavyPC, @FUpPC, @SUpPC, @DLS, @Breed, @Owner, @Silks, @RunsBack, " & _
      "@RBLetUp, @WRPos, @SRPos, @PcePos, @APIPos, @PsPos, @WsPos, @DDist, @DWgt, @HPace, @BlkBk, @FS)"

   cmd.SetParameter("RaceID", RHse.RaceID)
   cmd.SetParameter("TAB", RHse.TAB)
   cmd.SetParameter("HorseName", RHse.HorseName)
   cmd.SetParameter("E", RHse.E)
   cmd.SetParameter("Cty", RHse.Cty)
   cmd.SetParameter("ThisForm", RHse.ThisForm)


   Msgbox("Adding Horse to Database failed!", "Horse Error", cMsgboxOK, cMsgboxHand)
End Sub

The full code is attached as I abbreviated the above because of the size of code.

Had problems with the other table RaceFileName originally but found the problems I had there and it now is working OK.

I have been using sqliteadmin program to examine the tables for input and so verifying if data has been added.


    4.6 KB · Views: 218


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
My suggestion would be not to use error handlers when debugging.

When I commented it out in your code I got the attached very clear error message that shouold help you to sort out the problem, which I think has nothing to do with the code snippet that you cited.



  • New Bitmap Image.JPG
    New Bitmap Image.JPG
    16.4 KB · Views: 205


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My suggestion would be not to use error handlers when debugging.

Thanks Mike.

Did not know that about the Error handlers during debug!

I had AdjRate and it should have been AdjRte.

Read it numerous times and missed seeing the spelling error.
