My program requires functions built into the reflection library, however I noticed that none of these functions seemed to work on the tablet I'm developing with (Toshiba Thrive 3.x).
At first I was trying to recycle bitmaps and found that nothing was working. At the time I couldn't decide whether it wasn't working or it wasn't working well enough. But now I've tried using the reflection library to disable the scroll in a scrollview and found that it has no effect.
I knocked together this quick program to test the reflection library on different devices:
This code had no effect on my tablet, however it successfully disabled the scroll on a 2.x phone that I tested.
Anyone have any ideas why nothing is working on the tablet?
My program requires functions built into the reflection library, however I noticed that none of these functions seemed to work on the tablet I'm developing with (Toshiba Thrive 3.x).
At first I was trying to recycle bitmaps and found that nothing was working. At the time I couldn't decide whether it wasn't working or it wasn't working well enough. But now I've tried using the reflection library to disable the scroll in a scrollview and found that it has no effect.
I knocked together this quick program to test the reflection library on different devices:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim Scroll As ScrollView
Scroll.Initialize(Activity.Height + 800)
Scroll.Panel.Color = Colors.White
Activity.AddView(Scroll, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
Dim Stop As Reflector
Stop.Target = Scroll
Stop.RunMethod2("setVerticalScrollBarEnabled", False, "java.lang.boolean")
End Sub
This code had no effect on my tablet, however it successfully disabled the scroll on a 2.x phone that I tested.
Anyone have any ideas why nothing is working on the tablet?