Wish #Region in subs - Are open upon loading projects

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
I use #Region within subs for code that is either long or once written will never be changed once written. Whenever opening a project I noticed that all the #Regions within subs are already open, the first thing I personally do is close them all with mouse clicks as there are no reason to have them all open upon opening a previously saved project. #Regions outside of a sub stays closed, but within a sub they are all open once a project is loaded.

My wish would be for all #Region to be closed upon opening a project, that makes 100% sense to me.

Thank you.

Hmm, where are all these strange wishes coming from ;)

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Or Edit > Outlining > Collapse all

Thank you for your reply but I already know that. I'm not talking about collapsing everything including the subs themselves, I specifically said #Region and I said #Region 4 times for a reason. I said #Region 4 times because I'm just talking about #Regions that are within subs and not collapsing the subs as well, I didn't use collapsing just in case what you mentioned was mentioned :D

Anyway thank you for your response.

Emme Developer

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Longtime User
Thank you for your reply but I already know that. I'm not talking about collapsing everything including the subs themselves, I specifically said #Region and I said #Region 4 times for a reason. I said #Region 4 times because I'm just talking about #Regions that are within subs and not collapsing the subs as well, I didn't use collapsing just in case what you mentioned was mentioned :D

Anyway thank you for your response.
Oh okay, i misunderstood, so we need a Edit > Outlining > Collapse all regions :D