Android Question Remote Config - Values do not Update


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Longtime User
I am having similar issues to Desof post #16 in original thread - which does not appear to have been answered.

I use the same B4a code as originally posted under FirebaseRemoteConfig, I have copied Manifest from the original B4a page, I have set up Remote Config for the app in Firebase.

When I try to run on a real device i get the same "loading_phrase" before "fetching" as I do after "fetching". Then when I change the value in Firebase to yet another value it still doesn't change the response.

This occurs after the Fetch is said to be a "Success".

When testing the problem, I found the original phrase didn't change either - so I deleted the whole app and reloaded, At that point I could change the original loading phrase - again the same before and after the "fetch".

I have tried both the FirebaseRemoteConfig and RemoteConfig libraries.

I have attached the code I have used, the Manifest page from B4a, and the Filtered Log [my unfiltered logs are full of processes occurring on my tablet]..

Can someone please assist me with:

a] how to overcome this problem;

b] if I wanted to load several values from Firebase at the same time how can that be achieved?

Thank you for your assistance.


  • Remote Config1.pdf
    96.1 KB · Views: 325


Licensed User
Longtime User
I am aware that in the example I posted I have used getValue in lieu of getString. Neither approach worked for me.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have attached the code I have used
This is NOT the correct way. What if I would like to try the project to help?
Do you really expect me to create a new project from it (from the PDF)??

If you want to show the project using then you should use File->Export as zip from the IDE and upload this ZIP here.

Another way is to use the code tags and posting all relevant code

This time i´ll not ignore this request

Do you have configured RemoteConfig in Firebase correctly?


b] if I wanted to load several values from Firebase at the same time how can that be achieved?
Add more Values in the config...


Note that you TTL value is relevant.
You´ll get new values after the time is over. to test you can use 0 but that is not the expected value...
With a ttl of 0 you always request online values.
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    cfg.Defaults(CreateMap("promo_code": "", "loading_phrase": "Hallo world!"))
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub Config_onFetchComplete(success As Boolean)
    If success Then
        Log("Activate fetched values")
        Dim info As RemoteConfigValue = cfg.getValue("loading_phrase")
        Log($"Loading phrase info: Source ${info.Source}, ${info.asString}"$)

        Dim info As RemoteConfigValue = cfg.getValue("promo_code")
        Log($"Promocode info: Source ${info.Source}, ${info.asString}"$)

    End If
End Sub

*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
loading_phrase=DonManfred presents
** Activity (main) Resume **
Fetch Succeeded
lib:Raising.. config_onfetchcomplete()
Activate fetched values
loading_phrase=DonManfred presents
Loading phrase info: Source 2, DonManfred presents
Promocode info: Source 2, PROMO17
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
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