Hi All,
Is their a way to go to the first row of a resultset.
I have some code..
And I would like to re-use this resultset without reloading the data.
Can I go back to the 1st row then iterate though the set again.
or Should/Could I save it as a list of maps?
Is their a way to go to the first row of a resultset.
I have some code..
Dim cur As ResultSet
cur = Main.SQLite.ExecQuery("Select id,name, posts, replies, short, last_post_by FROM forumgroup")
Do While cur.NextRow
txt = txt & $"<div class="w3-card-4 w3-margin-8">"$
txt = txt & $" <div class="w3-row w3-card-2 w3-theme-l5 w3-padding">"$
txt = txt & $" <div class="w3-col l1 m1 w3-center w3-small">"$
txt = txt & "   posts:  <b>" & cur.GetString("posts") & "</b><br> replies:  <b>" & cur.GetString("replies") & "</b>"
txt = txt & $" </div>"$
And I would like to re-use this resultset without reloading the data.
Can I go back to the 1st row then iterate though the set again.
or Should/Could I save it as a list of maps?
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