Share My Creation Rocket Dodger

This game is not much more than web view with an ad.. wrapped around an html5 game I wrote! Weeee!

Any subsequent html5 games I write, all I have to do is change the url string and BAM! I have a new app.

No PhoneGap.

No audio either, but hey it's a budding technology. Heck some desktop browsers don't support html5 audio out of the box.


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could I have you b4a source files? I would like to see what you did because I am working on an app that needs something like this for movement


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The b4a source file doesn't contain any game logic. In these games, I'm using a b5a webveiw and an adveiw only. I 'wrote' the game in logic blocks in Construct2. The webview loads an HTML5 game.


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Longtime User
Hi latch,

A couple of questions on what you have done for this:

1) Have you just created the game using Construct 2 just as HTML5? You didn't use the create as Android option?

2) When you mention changing the URL in your first post, does this mean you are hosting the HTML on a web server somewhere, and not embedding it in the app?




Okay, I have been able to get a game I wrote in Construct 2 running using B4A's WebView and WebViewExtras (using the WebViewExtras items in the construct 2 example here helped speed it up a little - unless it was a coincidence?

But it runs quite slow, and lags badly after a few seconds. It seems to vary based on what happens in the game. If I don't trigger any user events (touches) it can go for 20-30 seconds before lagging the game. The app itself is still running ok.

Did you encounter this issue?


Edit #2:

I've been trying the app on different devices, and it alters the outcome considerably. On my Kindle Fire it lags badly, on my phone (Huawei Y300) it runs almost okay.
I have tried changing different things, and tried different styles of Construct 2 games using the B4A WebView.
The conclusion I have reached is that if you want to use this approach of combining B4A and Construct 2, and it want it to work well on any Android device, then you can't create games with a large number of sprites, along with their collision detections, physics, etc.
If you stick with non-sprite games (or limit the numbers to less than 10) it should work well.
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Active Member
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Hi latch,

A couple of questions on what you have done for this:

1) Have you just created the game using Construct 2 just as HTML5? You didn't use the create as Android option?

2) When you mention changing the URL in your first post, does this mean you are hosting the HTML on a web server somewhere, and not embedding it in the app?




Okay, I have been able to get a game I wrote in Construct 2 running using B4A's WebView and WebViewExtras (using the WebViewExtras items in the construct 2 example here helped speed it up a little - unless it was a coincidence?

But it runs quite slow, and lags badly after a few seconds. It seems to vary based on what happens in the game. If I don't trigger any user events (touches) it can go for 20-30 seconds before lagging the game. The app itself is still running ok.

Did you encounter this issue?


Edit #2:

I've been trying the app on different devices, and it alters the outcome considerably. On my Kindle Fire it lags badly, on my phone (Huawei Y300) it runs almost okay.
I have tried changing different things, and tried different styles of Construct 2 games using the B4A WebView.
The conclusion I have reached is that if you want to use this approach of combining B4A and Construct 2, and it want it to work well on any Android device, then you can't create games with a large number of sprites, along with their collision detections, physics, etc.
If you stick with non-sprite games (or limit the numbers to less than 10) it should work well.

Wow. Sorry I didn't see this way back then. Yes I was hosting those games separately. I got poor performance on android but not a total unresponsiveness to touches. And yeah at this point only simple games will work. HTML5 is still young.


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Are you also publishing on separate platforms, is that your reason for not writing natively for Android?

Yeah I have a bunch of stuff on BlackBerry also.

That was a brief kick I was on. I'm still writing in B4A. See here:

Most of the engine is written already but I only have 25 levels and I still have a couple little problems.

Most of my stuff is written in B4A:
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