iOS Question Round Button


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Hi all.
I have this in design
Corner Radius 50
Border 1


and this in Script General:

'All variants script

ScrollView1.SetTopAndBottom(0, 100%y - 90dip)

btn_ripeti.SetLeftAndRight(100%x - 70dip, 100%x - 10dip)
btn_ripeti.SetTopAndBottom(100%y - 70dip, 100%y - 10dip)

lbl_trascrivi.SetTopAndBottom(100%y - 50dip, 100%y)

lbl_indicazioni.SetTopAndBottom(100%y - 90dip, 100%y - 50dip)

But i have this "strain" effect ( already in preview in designer )


Any idea ?

narek adonts

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Ha - I was also caught like this and it is a very simple fix and you are going to kick yourself for the answer !!

To get a round button the corner radius you set in your designer must be half the width/height - in other words if your button is 80 x 80 then your corner radius must be 40 to give you a round button !!

In your case - your button is 60 x 60 - so your corner radius must be 30 !!

Don't kick too hard !!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Ha - I was also caught like this and it is a very simple fix and you are going to kick yourself for the answer !!

To get a round button the corner radius you set in your designer must be half the width/height - in other words if your button is 80 x 80 then your corner radius must be 40 to give you a round button !!

In your case - your button is 60 x 60 - so your corner radius must be 30 !!

Don't kick too hard !!
Yes is so ;). Well done and thank you
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Don't worry guys - happens to all of us sometime !!
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Grant Fullen

Licensed User
Oh I thought that the button size is set dynamicaly depending if the screen size

You're not wrong. If AutoScaleAll is on and changes the width/height of the button at all.....the corner radius value in the designer won't be exactly half anymore, therefore throwing it off. Setting it in code might be your only option.
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