B4J Code Snippet Run jRDC2 as a service...

GET nssm.exe HERE: https://nssm.cc/ and this is your source for all the details.
I have found this to be very reliable on my plain vanilla windows 10 machine. (not even pro)
I learned quite a bit making this work and thought I would share.
Three batch files and jRDC2ASService-README.txt. Make sure you read the txt file, there are number of gotchas but here are some highlights.
Right click run jRDC2ASService-Create.bat as administrator or it will fail.
DO NOT Right click run jRDC2ASService-Remove.bat as administrator or it will fail (go figure).
You need to edit all 3 batch files if the name of your service is not jRDC2 - the name can be anything you want and will be what displays in Windows services.
You MUST edit jRDC2ASService-Create,bat - see the README for details.
After creating the service you MUST Start it. (Windows Key - type 'Services' find your service and start it.)
Before or after DELETING the service you must STOP it manually or it will not go away.

I did this as batch files as opposed to the the GUI because we need to install this in a number of places.

If you have questions post them here and I will try to help.


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