RuntimePermissions has Check and CheckAndRequest functions but I believe it needs a third and that is Request.
If the user has been asked once and denied and then asked again and denied and checks the Don't ask again there is NO way to ask them again should they change their mind
MarkusR pointed me to shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale
But that only helps half way. What I feel is needed is a RequestPermission that just requests without checking
Erel any chance of getting RequestPermission in library?
If the user has been asked once and denied and then asked again and denied and checks the Don't ask again there is NO way to ask them again should they change their mind
MarkusR pointed me to shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale
But that only helps half way. What I feel is needed is a RequestPermission that just requests without checking
Erel any chance of getting RequestPermission in library?