Code to make sure a string complies with "standard" Hashtag rules.
The input...
results in...
If there is a better way to accomplish this I would be glad to learn something new.
Sub HashTagSanitizer(strText As String, bolForceLowercase As Boolean) As String
Dim strRet As String = "#" & Regex.Replace2("[^a-z0-9_-]+", Bit.Or(Regex.MULTILINE, Regex.CASE_INSENSITIVE), strText, "")
If bolForceLowercase Then
Return strRet.ToLowerCase
Return strRet
End If
End Sub
The input...
Log( HashTagSanitizer("#Test With Some words. Note the extra # here, which is n-o-t wanted", False) )
results in...
If there is a better way to accomplish this I would be glad to learn something new.