Android Question Save ImageView loaded with CameraEx picture


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I take a picture with CameraEx and my App loads it into a blank ImageView. How can I save the ImageView with the loaded picture so the ImageView shows with the picture the next time I run the App?


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Longtime User
Erel answered your question HERE ...

Sub Camera1_PictureTaken (Data() As Byte)
   Dim filename As String = "1.jpg"
   Dim dir As String = File.DirRootExternal
   camEx.SavePictureToFile(Data, dir, filename)


if you were having problems then ask further in your original thread .
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Thanks mangojack but I'm not having problems with the original question. Erel answered that. This is a new question. How do I save an ImageView with the Image in it created as Erel described in answer to my previous question.
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Longtime User
When loading the image you could store the path or filename in a text file for reading back later.
As an alternative see this .. KeyValueStore class
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