I have some trouble getting scrollview and MeasureMultilineTextHeight to work
When I try to access the item from the list i get the error: "NullPointerException"
What am I doing wrong? :sign0163:
I have some trouble getting scrollview and MeasureMultilineTextHeight to work
When I try to access the item from the list i get the error: "NullPointerException"
Sub ListPs_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Activity.title = Value
lblText.TextSize = 16
lblText.text = text2
Activity.AddView(sclView, 0, 140, 100%x, 100)
StrUtil.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lblText, text2)
sclView.Panel.AddView(lblItem, 20, 0 ,90%x, 100%y)
sclView.Panel.AddView(lblText, 20, 50 ,90%x, 100)
sclView.Panel.Height = 100
ListPs.Visible = False
imgPs.Visible = False
imgX.Visible = False
lblDescription.Visible = False
lblItem.text = Value
lblItem.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
lblItem.TextSize = 20
lblText.height = 100
End Sub
What am I doing wrong? :sign0163: